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Science Fair

Organize an at-home science fair and invite everyone in the family to show off their science skills.

Science Fair


  • Research materials
  • Drawing supplies

Is your child eager to demonstrate his or her scientific knowledge? Why not organize an at-home science fair and invite everyone in the family to participate?

Each person can select a topic he or she is interested in, or you can offer suggestions (such as electricity, magnetism, nutrition, and so on). Participants research the subjects (using encyclopedias, science books, etc.) and accumulate as many facts as possible. Family members then prepare a presentation, demonstrating his or her knowledge of the topic and including homemade charts, graphs and illustrations, working models, and the like.

When everyone is ready, family members take turns sitting in a "booth" (a designated work table and chair in the living room, perhaps) and revealing their scientific expertise to fellow science fair-goers. Each presentation can be followed by a question-and-answer session. And don't forget the best part—all participants should receive blue ribbons for their great scientific achievements!

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