Shaving Cream Letters
Shaving Cream Letters
Here's a tactile way to help your young child learn about letters and words!
What you need: Foam shaving cream
Cookie sheet
What to do:
1. Spray some shaving cream onto a cookie sheet.
2. Allow your child some time for experimentation with the texture of the cream.
3. "Erase" by sweeping her hand flat against the cream.
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4. Show your child how to use her index finger (the "pointer") to draw circles and lines in the shaving cream.
5. When your child is ready, show her how to draw a letter, such as the first letter of her name, in the cream.
6. Practice other letters.
Your child can also practice letters in the tub by spraying the shaving cream on the tub ledge or tile wall.
Note: If your child can't resist tasting the cream, use whipping cream instead.
Why it works:
Young children learn to write more easily by using their larger muscles first, before attempting to hold a pencil.