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Sound Clapping

Your child will learn about syllables with this fun early learning activity.

Sound Clapping

Listening to sounds in words is important. Knowing where sounds of words begin and end is also important to reading.

What you need:
A list of two- or three-syllable words

What to do:

1. Tell your child that you will say a word and clap for the main sound parts in the word. For example, "The first word is Mama. I'll clap and say the word again. Ma-ma. (Say Ma-ma and clap as you say each part of the word for two claps.) "Now you clap the rhythm when I say Mama." Next, take your child's name and clap it out. For example, say, Ma-ri-a and clap three times.

2. Repeat this activity with the following words:
ba-by (two claps)
ice cream (two claps)
base-ball (two claps)
ba-na-na (three claps)
ap-ple (two claps)
bat (one clap)
bat-boy (two claps)
bas-ket-ball (three claps)

Source: America Reads Challenge: Read*Write*Now!, America Reads

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