Writing to the President
- Writing paper
- Pen
- Envelope
- Postage stamp
There are many reasons kids would like to write to the president. They might be concerned about the environment or youth crime. Your letter will be read by a White House secretary who may refer it to the president. No matter who reads it, however, you will receive a reply. Your letter can be neatly handwritten or typed. It should be short and to the point, with your concern clearly stated. Here is an example:
Dear Mr. President, I am a 6th grader at Jackson Middle School and I am very concerned about the depletion of the ozone layer. I don't want to grow up in a world that is unprotected from the harmful effects of direct sunlight. I am writing this letter to ask you to help by increasing penalties for companies with harmful environmental practices. Please do whatever you can.
Note: The address for the president is:
The President of the United States
White House Office
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500