In this article, you will find:
Planning and preparation
Food and drink
Avoid injury and other hazards
Teach kids to respect nature
Suggested packing list
Planning and preparation
Safety Tips for Hiking and Camping
Hiking is an ideal warm weather activity for families. It gives you and your kids a chance to be active, explore nature, and spend time away from the lure of television and video games. Whether you're planning on a quick day hike, or a camping adventure, take the time to review some basic safety guidelines before you hit the trail. Plan Your Itinerary The first step in planning a hiking or camping trip is deciding where and when to go. The United States National Park Service offers a handy tool to find parks and trails in your state. You can also explore state parks, and independently operated trails such as the Appalachian Trail, and the Audobon Society wildlife sanctuaries. When deciding on a hike, keep in mind the difficulty level of a trail, the type of terrain you'll be crossing, and how far it is from home. Just as important as the location of your hike is when to go. Trails in the northern part of the country, or at high altitudes, may hold deep snow well into spring. Even when the snow does melt, you may have to deal with the resulting runoff. On the other hand, southern or low-altitude trails may be scorching hot in the height of summer. Choose a seasonally appropriate hike, and keep an eye on the weather forecast before you go. It's also a good idea to leave a copy of your itinerary with somebody at home. In addition, many trails have a registry at the trailhead that you can sign, so park officials will know who's on the trail. Hike at Your Own Level10 of the Best Hands-on Nature Activities for Kids
Getting outside is a great way to learn more about the environment. From hunting bugs to making seashell magnets, these awesome hands-on activities are a great way for your child to get a little closer to nature. Read More