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Grass Buddy

Use an old sock and some grass seed to create a "buddy" that really grows hair.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Grass Buddy

My son made this craft early one spring and had fun cutting his grass buddy's hair for months afterward.


  • Grass seeds
  • Styrofoam cup
  • Old sock
  • Spray bottle full of water
  • Potting soil
  • Safety scissors
  • Waterproof markers


  1. Have your child sprinkle grass seeds into the toe of an old sock, then add about two cups of potting soil.
  2. Knot the sock right above the soil to make a head shape.
  3. Turn the head knot side down and have your child draw facial features on it.
  4. If he likes, he can draw details like clothing and jewelry on the Styrofoam cup.
  5. Balance the head on the rim of the cup.
  6. The knot and the rest of the sock go inside the cup.
  7. Have your child spray his grass buddy's head with water and set it in a warm place.
  8. If he keeps the soil moist, in a couple of weeks the grass buddy will sprout delicate blades of grassy hair.
  9. Your child can use a pair of safety scissors to give his grass buddy a haircut as needed.

© 2001 by Patricia Kuffner. Excerpted from The Children's Busy Book with permission of its publisher, Meadowbrook Press.

To order this book visit Meadowbrook Press.

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