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Hot Date Ideas

Here are some hot date ideas for you and your spouse to enjoy -- no matter what your budget!

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The Expensive Date

The Spice Rack

A great way to make your partner feel completely taken care of is to plan an entire evening out for a special occasion. Take care of all the details and surprise him or her.

Plan way ahead. You should relish every moment of this special experience. Anticipation is half the fun! Make sure you have reservations for a busy restaurant or special event. It would be a shame to save money for a play or concert and not be able to get tickets for it. By planning ahead, you won't be disappointed. And you will have more time to re-budget your dating money.

Try to make the evening as special as possible. Take extra care when choosing the outfit you will wear. Give yourselves plenty of time to arrive promptly. It would be a shame to feel rushed and stressed wondering if you will arrive on time. Do everything you can to ensure that the evening will go as smoothly as possible.

But, even though you should do your best to create a wonderful evening, don't put pressure on yourselves to have the perfect date when you are spending a lot of money. You might end up being disappointed. An expensive restaurant might not have the greatest food. Or one of you might have a bad cold on the night you had theater tickets. You just have to roll with the punches and hope things will work out better next time.

Romantic Getaways

One of the nicest ways to renew your relationship is to spend time together away from the day-to-day routine. It's easier to focus on each other when you're in a new place that doesn't remind you of the chores that need doing or the bills that need paying. Going away together will also create good memories the two of you will always have.

The type of vacation you plan together will vary depending on money and time constraints. You might have some wonderful ideas for expensive vacations that you would like to take with your spouse. It's possible that with careful planning you will be able to go on that trip.

The Spice Rack

Want a real dream vacation? Fantasize about your perfect vacation, and write down a detailed description of it. What will you wear? What will you eat? What will you and your spouse do together? Now share this with your spouse.

But don't let the fact that you can't spend a month at a villa in Greece keep you from going away with your spouse. You can have great fun on a “free date” with each other, and you can have a memorable getaway for very little money, too. Remember, even one night away can be refreshing. Go away for a shorter time to stay within your budget. Or prepare some of your meals instead of eating out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you can't afford a hotel at all, find out when out-of-town friends are going on vacation and offer to house-sit for them.

Plan on going away overnight at least twice a year with your spouse. It will be one of the most enjoyable ways to keep passion in your marriage.

Take the fun date list of ideas and start planning. Mark dates and times on your calendar right away to make sure time doesn't slip by. Remember, your goal is to keep the passion alive in your relationship. As we said, good fun takes good planning, so get started now. Have fun!

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