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Make the End of Each Day Special

Make the end of each day special by taking a few moments to reconnect with your spouse and demonstrate your love.

Make the End of Each Day Special

Think Twice

Don't head straight for the refrigerator or to the bedroom to change into comfortable loungewear the moment you get home. When you walk in the door, go right to your spouse and tell him or her how glad you are to see him or her. This will create a loving atmosphere for the entire evening.

Many people underestimate how valuable it is to reconnect with their spouse when they have been apart from each other all day. Every evening when you first see your spouse is a chance for an extraordinary moment. The majority of couples spend their weekdays, and some of their weekend days, apart from each other.

You have spent many hours doing activities without each other's company. By the end of most days, you and your spouse have probably been apart for more hours than you have spent awake together. When you see each other at the end of the day, it really is a reunion. Make sure you treat it like one.

There are many things you can do to make the moment you walk through the door at the end of the day a special one:

  1. Greet each other warmly. Stop whatever activity you are doing and walk to the door to greet your spouse. It might seem trite, but the effort will make both of you feel special and taken care of.

  2. Take a few minutes to find out how your spouse's day was. We are all extremely busy, but this small effort can make a huge difference. Instead of two strangers trying to get things done, you will be partners working together to create a warm family environment.

  3. Reconnect with your spouse after a day apart. Share a warm hug, deliver a kiss, or pour a refreshing glass of ice water for him or her.

An extraordinary marriage is filled with countless meaningful moments. Every encounter with your spouse that you make special will enhance your marriage. Don't overlook the small chances to create closeness in your relationship.

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