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Reigniting Passion

Reignite the passion in your marriage by planning special dates for the two of you to bond.

In this article, you will find:

Passion problems

Reigniting Passion

Would you want to settle for a ho-hum life of working, watching TV, paying the bills, eating, and going to sleep? Probably not. Life just wouldn't be satisfying if we were to just get by. What we want, what we crave, is passion. Passion for our work, for activities in our down time, and, most importantly, passion for our spouse. Many people describe their relationship by saying, “I think I still love him, but the passion is gone.” Fortunately, this is usually not true, even when it seems to be. The passion is not gone; it just needs to be drawn out.

Many people who say they have passion problems find that they do. It's amazing how something can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, if you think about the issue in terms of passion obstacles to overcome, it's much easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel. With a little determination and a lot of practice, you can have more passion in your relationship than you ever thought possible.

Passion is not like a butterfly landing on you if you're lucky and fleeing at the slightest breeze. How wonderful that this simply isn't true. In fact, passion is one area in which you can make a difference right away. You don't need to wait for a special love potion or some external stimulus to ignite your passion. You can make it happen in an instant.

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