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10 Simple Ways to Start Getting Fit Fast

These 10 tips are quick and mindless ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
start getting fit with these easy exercises and tips

10 Simple Things to Get Yourself Fitter

  1. Climb the stairs -- Start by getting out of the elevator two floors early and climb the rest of the way. Within weeks you will be running up the stairs two at a time. Stairs are great for firming your legs and bottom.
  2. Walk to work -- You'd be surprised how little extra time it takes, especially if you live in a city. Two miles should take you 30-40 minutes. It's probably quicker than the bus!
  3. Use your lunch-break -- In an hour, you've time to go for a swim, a jog, or just a walk in the park. Then eat your sandwiches and start the afternoon refreshed.
  4. Sit up and look -- See how many sit-ups you can manage in the commercial breaks on TV. You can rest while watching the program and then perhaps exercise again!
  5. Laugh out loud -- Laughter is good for your lungs. Don't just chuckle quietly, let yourself go and really work those lungs. Laughter has many benefits and makes you happy, too.
  6. Dig the garden -- Your grandparents probably kept fit working their garden. Growing your own food is great exercise, and it's fun to eat what you produce.
  7. Scrub the bath -- Using lots of elbow grease as you do your housework raises your pulse and gives your whole body a workout. Recognize the workout value of cleaning and you'll start to enjoy those chores.
  8. Jump up and down -- Do you remember doing jumping jacks at school? They're surprisingly good for you. See how quickly you can do 100. Tomorrow, try to do them faster!
  9. Beat a friend -- No, I'm not advocating violence. Competition or friendly rivalry will spur you both on to get fitter. It doesn't matter who's faster or stronger, if you both get fitter, you both win.
  10. Start now -- Stop thinking you'll do this later. Put the book down and get some exercise!

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