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Do You Feed the Seeds of Misunderstanding?

Take this quiz to see whether you and your daughter are putting an end to misunderstandings.

Do You Feed the Seeds of Misunderstanding?

Are you and your daughter doing all you can to put an end to misunderstandings? Take this little quiz and find out. Fill in the blank with "Never," "Sometimes," or "Always."

  1. Do I overreact when my mother or daughter tells me something I don't like?

    Daughter's answer: ________________________________________________________
    Mother's answer: ________________________________________________________

  2. Am I overly sensitive to comments from my mother or daughter?

    Daughter's answer: ________________________________________________________
    Mother's answer: ________________________________________________________

  3. Do I have an open mind when my mother or daughter disagrees with me?

    Daughter's answer: ________________________________________________________
    Mother's answer: ________________________________________________________

  4. Do I ever check to see that what I thought I heard my mother or daughter say was actually what she meant?

    Daughter's answer: ________________________________________________________
    Mother's answer: ________________________________________________________

  5. Do I stop to consider my mother's or daughter's point of view?

    Daughter's answer: ________________________________________________________
    Mother's answer: ________________________________________________________

"Sometimes" is an acceptable and honest answer to these questions. "Never" means you are both much too rigid. If you used "Always" to answer every question, be sure that your mother or daughter verifies this. It is highly unlikely any of us are that empathetic, understanding, or perfect all the time. Still it is something to strive for.

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