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Expecting Perfection in Mother-Daughter Relationships

Restore some balance to your mother-daughter relationship by listing what you like and dislike about each other.

Expecting Perfection in Mother-Daughter Relationships

If you are expecting perfection in your mother or daughter, you won't find it. There is good and bad in everyone. What you must determine is if you are allowing your critical eye to taint the positive potential of your relationship.

Perhaps you are focusing only on or allowing the unlikable qualities in one another to overshadow the likeable. Here is an opportunity to restore some balance. List the five things you like most and the least about your mother or daughter.

Likes Dislikes
1. ___________________________ 1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________

After filling in the "dislikes," ask yourself if you are being fair and tolerant. Then apply a little more understanding and acceptance to your perspective.

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