by: Erin Dower
A new baby in the family is a big adjustment for an older sibling and often brings a mix of emotions. During your pregnancy, pick up some of these picture books about becoming a big brother or big sister to ease the transition and help generate excitement for your older kids. Looking for more tips? Watch this Cloudmom video for simple ways to involve your older child with your family's new addition. Looking for more? Use our Book Finder tool to search for new books for kids of all ages!

There's Going to Be a Baby by John Burningham
A husband-and-wife team wrote and illustrated this sweet story about parents sharing the news of a new baby who will be coming "when it's ready, in the fall, when the leaves are turning brown and falling." Over time, the big-brother-to-be in the story goes from worrying about the new baby to getting excited about his new in-home playmate.
Recommended Ages: 4-8

Babies Don't Eat Pizza: A Big Kids' Book About Baby Brothers and Baby Sisters by Dianne Danzig
Kids can cozy up to the concept of having a newborn in their life with this book full of cute watercolor pictures and honest facts on how infants act and look (such as the warning that they may have "wacky hair" in the hospital), and on what they can and cannot do — such as eat pizza!
Recommended Ages: 4-8

Waiting for Baby by Harriett Zeifert
Nine months seems like an eternity for a child who is only a few years old! As your belly grows, your child's curiosity and impatience probably will, too. Max, the preschooler in Waiting for Baby shows the range of emotions kids may feel in the final months and weeks of mom's pregnancy. He learns that talking and singing to the baby won't make it come out, but baby's unpredictable arrival is part of the great surprise!
Recommended Ages: 4-8

The New Baby by Mercer Mayer
This book from the classic Little Critter series focuses on life after the new baby has arrived. It relays the frustration of the new big brother, who wants to crack up his newborn sister with jokes, entertain her with stories, and make her smile - when all she does is cry. While the new baby is not an instant playmate, he learns she will grow into one with every passing week.
Recommended Ages: 4-8

Baby on the Way by William Sears, M.D.; Martha Sears, R.N.; and Christie Watts Kelly
Attachment parenting specialists William and Martha Sears, a doctor-nurse team, co-wrote this gentle yet straightforward story about the baby growing inside Mom's uterus. Baby on the Way explains that pregnancy makes mommy tired and hungry, and it is a great time to be a good helper to her. A companion book by the same authors, What Baby Needs, discusses what older siblings will see after the newborn arrives, such as breastfeeding, babywearing (in a sling), co-sleeping (in a co-sleeper), and other aspects of attachment parenting.
Recommended Ages: 4-8

The New Baby at Your House by Joanna Cole
This book was first published in 1985 and is still popular among parents who want to give their kids a real-life glimpse of life with a new baby brother or sister. The book uses photographs of real kids, newborns, and parents to portray the ups and downs of being the older child.
Recommended Ages: 2-5

On Mother's Lap by Ann Herbert Scott
This soothing story was first published in 1972. It tells of an Eskimo boy learning to share his mother's warm lap with the new baby in their arctic home. At first, he worries that there isn't room for two, but he soon realizes the newborn brings even more warmth and love than there was before.
Recommended Ages: 4-8

We Have a Baby by Cathryn Falwell
"We" is used frequently in this book that makes elder siblings feel like a lucky member of an expanding family. "We have a baby! A baby to love..." the story explains. The story is simple, with very few words on each page, making it a great pick for toddler siblings.
Recommended Ages: 2-5

I'm a Big Sister and I'm a Big Brother by Joanna Cole
These two stories are identical, other than the gender references. They use kid-friendly language and stress the concepts of individuality and positive reinforcement. Elder siblings will relate to the main theme of the book: feeling proud to be a great new big brother or sister.
Recommended Ages: 4-8

I'm Having Twins by Paris Morris
Moms who are expecting multiples have fewer books to choose from in the "new big sibling" department. This book was written by a 9-year-old girl named Paris who based the story on her real-life experience as a big sister to twins. In the story, Paris is 3 years old when she learns that she will be getting two new baby sisters. She adjusts to the idea over the course of her mom's pregnancy, doing some things, such as trick-or-treating, with just dad while mom is home resting. Other books in the Paris Morris series include My Twins are Coming Home and My Twins' First Birthday.
Recommended Ages: 9-12