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Sand and Glue Art

This sand art activity requires a little practice to get the idea, but it's well worth the time.

Sand and Glue Art

This activity requires a little practice to get the idea, but the unique feeling makes it well worth the time.


  • 20 to 30 minutes


  • Paper
  • White glue
  • Sand


  1. Write a message or draw a picture on paper using glue. Try to avoid globs of glue and be sure to leave the paper flat on the table while working.

  2. Before the glue dries, sprinkle lightly with dry sand.

  3. Allow the work to remain unmoved for at least half an hour and then shake off the excess sand.


  • For variety, use colored sand from a hobby store.

  • Use colored glue that you make yourself by adding food coloring.

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