Travel Bingo
- One sheet of heavy paper or cardboard per player
- Markers (or magazine pictures and glue)
- Clear contact paper or plastic page protectors
- One dry-erase marker per child
- Before your trip, make simple bingo cards by drawing a grid four squares by four squares on each sheet of heavy paper or cardboard.
- In each square, write words that represent things you may see as you drive, for example: parking lot, cow, flag, and so on.
- For nonreaders, draw pictures or glue on pictures cut from magazines instead.
- Cover the completed bingo cards with clear contact paper or slip them into plastic page protectors.
- During your trip, give each player a bingo card and a dry-erase marker.
- Each time a player sees something described on her bingo card, she marks an X in that square.
- The first player to mark four squares in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.