Sparkling Pinecone Holiday Wreath

Sparkling Pinecone Holiday Wreath
Age: Preschool and up
Time: A few hours
Type of activity: Nature Arts and Crafts
This wreath will be a great addition to your home for the holidays.
Materials needed:
· Pinecones (small and large sizes)
· Craft glue
· Glitter (various colors)
· Paintbrush
· Heavy cardboard
· Plastic bowls (one for each color of glitter)
· Large- and medium-sized bowls or pots (to trace your wreath)
· Yarn or string
· Scissors
· Brown paint
Step One: Take a walk with your child to collect an assortment of pinecones.
Step Two: Lay newspapers over the entire work area.
Step Three: Mix + cup of glue with a + cup of water in the mixing bowl.
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Step Four: Put each color of glitter into a different plastic bowl.
Step Five: Using the paintbrush, coat the entire pinecone with a layer of the glue mixture.
Step Six: Now, roll the pinecone in one color of glitter.
Step Seven: Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each pinecone you want to make.
Step Eight: Let the pinecones dry while you prepare to make the wreath.
Step Nine: Trace the circle for your wreath on the cardboard by drawing around the large pot or bowl.
Step Ten: Cut out the circle. Then, using the smaller pot, trace another circle inside the one you just made.
Step Eleven: Carefully cut around the smaller circle you just drew. Now you have the pattern for your wreath.
Step Twelve: Paint the wreath pattern brown before you add your pinecones.
Step Thirteen: Using the scissors, poke a small hole in the top of the wreath.
Step Fourteen: Thread several inches of the string or yarn through the hole, tie the ends in a knot, and slide the string so the knot is hidden behind the wreath. This is the "hanger."
Step Fifteen: Now, begin to glue pinecones over the entire surface, setting aside the smallest pinecones to fill in any empty spaces later. Make sure you put a good amount of glue on each pinecone to make your wreath stable.
Let the glue dry and your wreath is ready to decorate your home for the holidays!