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Tricks and Treats

This Halloween game is a fun way to liven up a party and keep kids on their toes.

Tricks and Treats

How to play:

1. Give each of the players a bag filled with ten pieces of wrapped candy.

2. Have the players write their names on their bags so that the bags don't get mixed up.

3. Decide on a time limit. If you are giving a party, you could keep the game going the entire time, even while you are doing other activities.

4. The object of the game is to catch people saying any of the following words:

5. It might be helpful to write the words in large letters on a piece of paper and tape the paper up where everyone can see it.

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6. If you catch someone saying one of the words on the list, that person has to give you a piece of candy from his bag.

7. The person who has the most candy at the end of the game wins a prize.

The best part is, everyone gets to keep any candy they have left in their bag.

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