World-Wide Domination

The Story

The Books
So far, the young-adult vampire-romance series consists of four books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
Although Meyer admits that titling the first book was a struggle, her choice seems appropriate. Twilight is the time right before the sun sets and the moon rises — the time vampires feel the safest.
The second book, New Moon, is about losing love. The title refers to the darkest stage of the lunar cycle, which represents the darkest time in Bella's life.
The title Eclipse focuses on Bella comprehending the price she will pay for becoming a vampire, which she had not given any prior serious thought. Many aspects and relationships that revolve around Bella are uprooted once she makes her decision.
Breaking Dawn refers to the beginning of Bella's life as a vampire. The cover represents Bella's progress from the weakest character in the saga (human) to the most powerful (the queen).

Supernatural Myths: Busted!
Avoiding the common stereotypical associations with vampires, such as garlic, silver, and coffins, Stephenie Meyer puts her own twist on vampire and werewolf myths. Here are a few:
Sunlight: Twilight's vampires can roam during daylight hours. Instead of bursting into flames from exposure to direct sunlight, their skin shimmers like diamonds. Forks, Washington seems like an ideal place for vampires to live, since it is mostly overcast year-round.
Blood: The Cullens call themselves "vegetarians," because they hunt and feed from animals instead of humans. Not all vampires in Twilight are "vegetarians," since it takes a lot of self control, practice, and discipline to live only off of animal blood.
Reproduction: Who would have thought a vampire and human could give birth to a hybrid baby? Meyer thought it possible and gives a rather detailed explanation of her theory on her website.
Sleep: Most people imagine vampires as creatures who sleep in light-proof coffins during the day. Twilight vampires are unique in that they never sleep.
Werewolves: In Twilight, when in wolf form, each werewolf in the pack is mentally and emotionally connected to one another. They communicate without speaking and know each other's deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions, creating a deeply-rooted bond between pack members.

The Leading Man

The Leading Lady

The Other Man

The Merchandise
