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Gen Z Slang: CEO Meaning

What does the Gen Z term "CEO" mean? How is it used in conversation? Find out with Family Education and learn Gen Z slang today!
Updated: July 31, 2024
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"CEO" is used in a humorous way to refer to someone as the "chief executive officer" of something, often indicating they are highly skilled or talented at it.

"CEO" Origins

The term took off on social media in the late 2010s, often used in a tongue-in-cheek manner to elevate someone's status in a specific context.

Examples of Use for "CEO"

The following are some ways people might use this term in conversation or messaging:

  • "He is the CEO of making the best playlists."
  • "I am the CEO of procrastinating on deadlines."
  • "She's definitely the CEO of TikTok dances."

Incorporating "CEO" Into Your Vocabulary

How can parents use this term in daily life? Here are some tips!

  1. Encouraging Confidence: Say, "You're the CEO of your own life," to empower your child.
  2. Celebrating Strengths: In praise, use, "You were like a CEO up there during your performance!"
  3. Lightening Mood: Make everyone laugh by saying, "Looks like you’re all CEOs at snack time."

Is "CEO" Positive or Negative?

"CEO" is a positive term, used to highlight someone's skills and talents in a particular area.

Tara Gunn

About Tara

Hailing from Canada, Tara is a graduate of Scotland's University of St. Andrews in creative… Read more

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