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Gen Z Slang: Gaslight Meaning

What does the term "gaslight" mean? How is it used in conversation? Find out with Family Education and learn Gen Z slang today!
Gen Z slang
Updated: July 22, 2024
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The term "gaslight" refers to manipulating someone into questioning their reality, perception, or sanity. It involves the abuser altering, denying, or fabricating information to make the victim doubt their memory and perception.

"Gaslight" Origins

The term "gaslight" originated from the 1938 play "Gas Light" and its subsequent film adaptations in the 1940s. In the story, a husband subtly manipulates his wife into believing she is going insane by making small changes to their environment and denying these changes when she points them out.

Examples of Use for "Gaslight"

The following are some ways people might use this term in conversation or messaging:

  • "He's trying to gaslight her into thinking she never said that."
  • "Don't let them gaslight you into doubting what you know is true."
  • "She felt like she was being gaslighted because he repeatedly told her she was too sensitive."

Incorporating "Gaslight" Into Your Vocabulary

How can parents understand and use this term to better communicate? Here are some tips!

  1. Understanding the Term: "Gaslight" refers to manipulating someone into questioning their own reality or sanity. It originated from the 1944 film "Gaslight," where a husband manipulates his wife into believing she is going mad.
  2. Identifying Gaslighting: If someone continuously makes you doubt your perceptions or memories, you might be experiencing gaslighting. Recognize phrases like, "You're just being too sensitive," or "That never happened."
  3. Explaining to Your Child: Teach your child to recognize gaslighting by discussing situations where someone might try to manipulate their reality. For example, "If someone tells you that you're remembering things wrong, they might be gaslighting you."
  4. Setting Boundaries: Encourage healthy communication by setting boundaries against manipulative behavior. You could say, "I feel like my feelings are being invalidated when you tell me I'm overreacting."

Is "Gaslight" Positive or Negative?

The term "gaslight" is overwhelmingly negative. It describes a form of psychological manipulation and abuse that can have severe emotional and mental impacts on the victim.

Tara Gunn

About Tara

Hailing from Canada, Tara is a graduate of Scotland's University of St. Andrews in creative… Read more

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