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  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Charise Rohm Nulsen

    It can be especially difficult to feel that we are doing our best with parenting during this challenging time, as we are all facing our own anxieties and mental health challenges. Fortunately, there are some strategies we can use to help our children deal with COVID-19 related anxieties.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Miranda Altice

    While it sounds nice to maintain a desirable homeschooling schedule, the reality is proving to be difficult for most. Cut yourself some slack, take a deep breath, and save your sanity by breaking some house rules during the pandemic.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Charise Rohm Nulsen

    A positive parenting expert explains Conscious Discipline, a new parenting trend, and philosophy that is having a tremendous impact on both kids and adults.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    A new radical parenting approach has taken the internet by storm, strength-based parenting, which focuses on developing and nurturing your child's character. Dr. Dan Tomasulo breaks down whether this new parenting approach could work for you and your family.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Elisa Cinelli

    When it comes to discipline, every parent has their own approach. But experts agree that the tone of voice you use can make a big difference.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Sa'iyda Shabazz

    It’s important to note that while they may look similar, temper tantrums and sensory meltdowns are fundamentally different.Dr. Fran Walfish, Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist, breaks down the key differences.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Rachel Sokol

    Disciplining children is never fun. At what age should you start taking away technology? At what age is time out no longer effective? This is an age-by-age guide to appropriate consequences for children.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Jennifer Caffelle

    Tantrums are frustrating for all of us and we have to work not to jump in and solve the problem or express our displeasure with their display of emotion. Here are eight calming phrases to help your child come out of a tantrum or meltdown.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Sa'iyda Shabazz

    We don't always need to feel guilty for our parenting decisions, and sometimes we need to do what we need to do. One mom gets real about the struggles of dining out at restaurants with small children.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Charise Rohm Nulsen

    We've all been there. We've handed over our phone or iPad to our kids as we sit down to eat a restaurant. Instead, try these three ideas to engage your children and allow for family bonding and interaction time.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Disciplining your children is never an easy task, but for parents of highly sensitive children it can be especially challenging. A child development specialist and family psychotherapist weigh in with tips for success for disciplining highly sensitive and emotional children.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Charise Rohm Nulsen

    As parents on the sidelines, we want our children to do well and to do their best, but lines are crossed when parents begin yelling at the referee or umpire and screaming at the players. Here are five tips for dealing with intense and inappropriate parents at kids' sports events.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline
    By Rachel Sokol

    Even the most well-behaved kids get in trouble at school once in a while. As a parent, do you know how to handle it? Three education and child behavior experts explain what parents can do after learning their child got into some trouble at school.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Helicopter parents have evolved and it's not good for anyone, especially children. Have you heard of lawnmower parenting? Lawnmower parents are similar to helicopter parents in that they hover, but they may actually be more destructive.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Bullying can't always be stopped by a child alone. Sometimes it's the responsibility of an adult or parent to put an end to bullying. Find out how to help a child who is being bullied with the most effective advice and tips.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    You know you've got a strong willed child on your hands when they won't respond to any type of discipline strategies you have up your sleeve. Here are some tips on what might actually work.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Are your current discipline strategies falling short? Here's your go-to guide for effective time-outs.

  • Kids
    Behavior and Discipline

    Do you have a whiny child on your hands? Use these tips and strategies for all ages to nip this bad habit in the bud.

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