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I rarely find any information on after-school programs or childcare providers that specialize in ADHD or LD kids. Please help!
What a good question! The best way to get this information is through word of mouth, by talking with other parents who have searched for these services and found good people to work with their kids. Many of the parent advocacy groups for ADHD or LD hold regular meetings for parents where you can get this kind of information. Some local organizations even publish Resource Lists with names of people referred to them by satisfied parents. Try contacting these organizations to see if there are branches in your community:

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CHADD), 1-800-233-4050
International Dyslexia Association (IDA), 1-800-ABCD123
Learning Disabilities Association of America, 1-888-300-6710

The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities at 1-888-GR8-MIND is a great clearinghouse for information, including referrals to local groups.

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