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Beanbag Race

In this activity, children attempt running, crawling, and walking, while balancing beanbags all over their body!
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Beanbag Race


  • Tape or string
  • One beanbag per player


  1. Mark two lines ten feet apart on the floor with tape or string.
  2. Give each player a beanbag and have the players stand at the starting line.
  3. Announce, "Ready, set, go!" and have the players race toward the finish line in one of the following ways:
      Crawling, while balancing beanbags on their backs
      Running, while squeezing beanbags between their knees
  4. A player is disqualified if his beanbag falls before he reaches the finish line.
  5. A child playing alone can race against the clock and try to cross the finish line within a designated time. He'll have fun trying to better his time with each try.

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