You may have to spend some extra time with your son to help him discover his special strengths and interests. Then guide him into these fields and give him your support. A child who plays the drums in the band can enjoy school just as much as a very popular quarterback. Furthermore, being a member of a group, whether it's the school band, a club, or the yearbook staff brings friendships and acceptance.
If you are unable to find any school activities that appeal to your son, enlist the help of his counselor. The counselor may be able to suggest activities as well as help him get involved in them. Your son needs to realize, however, that he may have to try several different activities before he finally finds the one he likes.
Besides school activities, children can boost their self-esteem and find friends through participating in community activities, such as scouting and volunteering. Also, part-time jobs bring satisfaction and a feeling of success to students. In fact, any activity that makes children feel good about themselves will ease the pain of not being extremely popular at school.