What are your thoughts on allowing boys to paint their nails? Is this something that makes you uncomfortable or are you all for it?
More: This Is How One Parent Raises Their Gender-Neutral Child
Nail Polish for Boys in the Media
There has been a lot of press over the last few years of celebrities painting their kids nails and other male celebrities flaunting their own brightly colored nails. In 2017, Allure highlighted strong men who wear nail polish and why stigmas against them shouldn’t exist. Some of the celebrities mentioned in this article are Zac Efron, Hemsworth brothers, K-pop stars, and even YouTube influencers. These individuals are letting it be known that nail polish is okay for boys and girls alike, and helping to break down the gender-biased walls and paving a path for a more accepting and colorful future.
As a mom of a little girl and boy, we have had our fair share of nail painting. When my daughter was younger, she was very much into it and would sit at her art table with full concentration on painting her own nails and toes. It did not take long before my two-year-old son wanted to dabble in his own colorful expression. He is the kind of kid that is nearly always covered in art, mainly using his body as a canvas. He loves to color up his arms, legs, and belly with markers and paint and I fully encourage this art exploration. Recently, he started getting into nail polish and asked for his nails and toes to be painted, so of course I complied. In my house, we welcome art and creativity. Because creating is fun. Plain and simple.
Is Your Child Ready to Be Left Alone?
Is Your Child Ready to Be Left Alone?How do you know if your child is ready to stay home alone or ride his bike to school? By asking him. Ideally, your child should know the following twelve points before he is ever alone in public. Sit down with your child and talk about each one of the twelve points listed below from Gavin de Becker's book, Protecting the Gift. Read More
Using Nail Polish for Creative Expression
As a Child Development Specialist, I know the importance of giving children opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and making something your own. The process of creating is extremely important and crucial to a child’s growth and development. When a child expresses themselves through art, by which ever modality they choose and are geared towards, it helps them to cope with their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. By allowing a child to freely explore, freely create, and freely express, it helps to facilitate mental growth, problem solving, cause and effect as well as supporting social and emotional development. Children make sense of the world around them by dramatic and creative play. In addition, when children are encouraged to express their creative ideas, it boosts self-confidence.
Once my son’s passion for color began to grow, I started noticing other little boys with their nails painted too, and it warmed my heart to know these kids were allowed the same expression and creative opportunities as my son. More parents are focusing on the importance of stimulating the mind, soul, and spirit of young children by being mindful and sensitive to what their interests are. It dawned on me that there was a gap in the nail polish industry that represented the creative kid, like my son, who wanted pops of color, thus, The Alpha Kids was born.
Introducing the Alpha Kids, Nail Polish for Boys and Girls
The Alpha Kids is nail polish for everyone! Girls and BOYS. All kids should feel free to express their individuality in artistic, creative, and colorful ways. Alpha Kids offers seven kid-approved super colors that dry fast and only need one-coat; parent-approved non-toxic ingredients for little nails. The Alpha Kids nail polish for boys and girls are non-toxic, 10-Free, vegan, & cruelty-free; as well as handcrafted in small batches and made in the USA. For more information about this product, you can visit the website and follow their creative journey on Instagram.
Be original, be creative, be super!