The Best Fall Sports for All Ages
As summer winds down, it's time to sign your little ones up for the sports they will play this fall. Sports are a great activity to get your kids involved in. They help your little ones make friends, develop teamwork and get exercise. However, not all kids like the same type of activities. Sometimes, it takes a little trial and error before you find a sport that really appeals to your kids. It also helps to get to know a little bit about the options before you commit. Here are some of the best fall sports for your kids with a short intro on each:
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1. Soccer
Soccer is the quintessential fall sport. It gets kids active running after the ball and develops teamwork. Soccer is a great option for rambunctious kids who need an outlet for their energy, anywhere from 3 through high school. As far as safety is concerned, soccer is a pretty safe sport. Just visit a soccer store and have a pro fit your little one for cleats and shin guards to protect your little one's legs and feet.
2. Lacrosse
Photo source: Larry Ziffle/Flickr
Lacrosse is a fun sport that has recently seen a spike in popularity. Kids get a kick out of learning how to use the lacrosse stick to scoop, catch and throw the ball to their teammates. It's the perfect option for kids ages 6 through high school. With the addition of a stick and more possibility for collision, lacrosse is a little more injury-prone than soccer. Boys must wear helmets, gloves, elbow and knee pads, and cleats. Girls must wear goggles and cleats.
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3. Baseball
Baseball and tee ball are both typically played in the spring. However, most little leagues offer a fall ball. It's a little more laid back where kids can get a great introduction into the sport before they enter the more competitive spring season. Tee ball is best for kids between the ages of 4 and 5, while baseball is great for ages 6 through adult. Injuries -- from getting hit with a baseball to sprained ankles when sliding -- can occur. Be sure your child listens to the safety rules presented by the coach and wears a proper-fitting helmet when batting, along with baseball cleats.
4. Tennis
Photo source: Bigstock
Tennis is fun for kids of all ages -- from about 5 or 6 through high school. Tennis not only gives kids a physical work out, it also challenges them mentally. When playing doubles, it also reinforces team work and cooperation. As far as safety concerns, you mostly have to worry about overuse injuries. Just make sure your child stretches after practice and takes a few rest days during the week.
This year, sign your kids up for some amazing fall sports and sit back and watch as they develop team working skills and social skills on the field.
Featured photo source: USAG -Humphreys/Flickr