I've tried to explain to her that she doesn't have to be perfect all the time, but she can't seem to stop worrying about things. She's had to go on medication for GI problems, which I am sure are due to her worrying. Do you have any suggestions? I don't want my child to have ulcers by the time she is eight!
Is she in some type of competition with her twin? Do school staff or family compare the siblings' abilities within earshot? Does the laid-back brother give her problems about her mistakes when no one is around? These are all points to consider. Is anyone else in the family also hard on themselves when they make a mistake? Whether family members handle problems calmly sets a very valuable example for a young child. We can't say to a child, "Don't be stressed" and expect it to stop. But saying, "Here is how you calm down when you feel that way" is a first step towards controlling it. Good luck.