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By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Kids, Children's Health, Hygiene and Kids
Kids, Children's Health, Hygiene and Kids
Kids, Children's Health, Hygiene and Kids
  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    A sudden change in willingness to leave home should be a red flag that the child experienced something frightening during an overnight.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Treatment of head lice generally includes the application of permethrin cream rinse, which can be bought over the counter.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Tips for helping your kids develop good dental habits that will last a lifetime.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Read about the controversy within the medical and dental communities about fluoride supplementation.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Learn what you can do for a child that still bed wets at age nine.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    When a child backslides into bed wetting, you may need to sort out the motivation for her behavior.

  • Kids
    Hygiene and Kids

    Learn what can happen when there is a blow to a tooth, and what you should do about it.

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