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6 Autism Awareness Month Activities for Kids

April is National Autism Awareness Month for students and kids to learn about autism and raise money for a good cause.

Updated: September 8, 2023
Fact checked by Elisa Cinelli
Autism Awareness
Updated: September 8, 2023
Fact checked by Elisa Cinelli

April is National Autism Awareness Month and April 2, 2022, is World Autism Awareness Day. Find cool activities for your kids to learn about autism in school and at home. We can all do more to observe the occasion and boost support for autistic people.

More: 15 Great Children's Books About Autism

How much do you know about autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects how a person interacts with others and how they experience the world.

Autism exists on a spectrum, which means that its qualities may show up to different extremes in different individuals. Those towards the high-functioning end of the spectrum (which includes Aspergers) may be able to live a fairly independent life, while those on the low-functioning end may be less able to express themselves and may need more life skills support.

Autism Awareness Month Activities for Kids

So why do we need an acceptance month? Autistic people still face many barriers in society and sadly, they still face stigma. It’s important to educate our children to create a more just world where people who are different can find acceptance and love.

Try some of these activities with your kids this April:

What to Do When Your Child with Autism Keeps Talking and Interrupting

The struggle or inability to grasp social cues in social settings is something most autistic children (yes, and adults) grapple with. In some cases, the child will talk fast, screech/shout, and interrupt others on a frequent basis when they’re speaking. Read More

1. Read Books About Autism

Autism Books

Learning about autism spectrum disorder is the best way to work towards autism acceptance in society. Kids tend to be curious about disabilities and fulfilling that curiosity will support them in their understanding of different types of learners.

There are many children's books that help explain autism in kid-friendly ways. After you read them together, encourage your child to ask questions and model empathy in your follow-up discussions.

2. Organize a No-Bullying Campaign

Autistic children may struggle socially. Sadly, they often face bullying. To help to combat this, work together with your child to organize an anti-bullying campaign in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

Consider getting permission from your child's school to set up a bullying prevention pledge table in the cafeteria, and encourage your child and his friends to collect pledges from as many students as possible.

3. Show Your Support on Social Media

If you want to spread a message in today’s world, social media is the way to do it. Post a photo to celebrate autism awareness or a link to learning activities that could help others learn more about developmental disabilities like autism.

4. Participate in a Fundraiser

Autism Fundraiser

Fundraisers are held all over the country to raise money for autism research and promote autism acceptance. Run or walk a 5K to mark national autism awareness month and to show your support for those with disabilities.

5. Host Your Own Fundraiser

The Autism Society, a leading autism advocacy organization, encourages you to come up with your own fundraiser in honor of autism awareness through their "1 Power 4 Autism" program. Whether you would like to walk, run, cycle, row, or golf for charity, or if you'd like to host a lemonade sale, dance-a-thon, or paint night... the possibilities are endless. Help your child brainstorm fun ways to raise funds for a great cause during the month of April, and start planning today!

6. Go Red Instead

Go Red

Many autistic people and those who support the autism community have turned against the “light it up blue” campaign promoted by Autism Speaks. Unfortunately, this organization seeks to “cure” autism rather than promote acceptance. So instead of deciding to wear blue and using puzzle pieces as symbolism, many people are dressing in red to show their support on World Autism Awareness Day.

Elisa Cinelli

About Elisa

Elisa is a well-known parenting writer who is passionate about providing research-based… Read more

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