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Asperger Subtype: "The Rule Boy"

This article explores the Rule Boy, one of the three general subtypes of Asperger children.

In this article, you will find:

Subtype: Innocent/Passive boy
Subtype: Overcontrolled boy

Subtype: Overcontrolled boy

Overcontrolled Boy
This is another type of Rule Boy, who is very similar to the above subtype, except his behavior is good at home as well as at school. He is also rule bound, with rules for everything. He has learned to control outbursts, sometimes too much, in all situations. In this case, he sees his parents, who have created many rules for him to follow at home, as authority figures just like his teachers. There are no situations that don't have rules for him to follow. All other characteristics from above are similar, and he, too, is far and away overly obedient. He needs to become more flexible.

Recommended Approach: You won't have to worry about rules with this girl or boy. You need to begin a crash course in flexibility to help him see the world as less black-and-white. He will need to learn much more about the reasons behind actions and how the world works, with less emphasis on obedience. Don't throw out the rules altogether, but slowly help him to learn decision-making and problem-solving skills so he can become a more independent thinker.

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