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Common Developmental Delays

Developmental delays can range from mild to severe. This article provides some developmental benchmarks to help you identify these delays.

Cognitive benchmarks

Listed below are some cognitive benchmarks to look for.

By six months:

  • uses hands and mouth to explore objects

  • finds a partially hidden object
By nine months:

  • plays two to three minutes with one toy (examining, rotating, touching, poking)

  • imitates a familiar gesture

  • finds a completely hidden object

  • deliberately touches an adult's hand or toy to start an activity
By twelve months:

  • retrieves an object to resume play

  • guides a toy with hands

  • throws objects to see what happens
By two years:

  • rotates an upside-down picture

  • uses tools to solve problems such as climbing on a chair to get a toy on a table

  • matches sounds to appropriate animal picture

  • engages in symbolic play (e.g., uses a stick to brush a doll's hair)
By three years:

  • talks to himself to expand on play theme or to an imaginary friend

  • understands the concept of two (e.g., can pick out two toys when directed)

  • discriminates between sizes (points to the Oreo instead of the M&M when asked which is larger)

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