My eighth-grader is in special education. How can I find a special-education learning consultant, for an independent and unbiased opinion? In short I need to make sure my son is getting the services he needs now and for high school.
There are many parent advocacy groups around this country that could help you find an independent evaluator. Here are two national resources:
Learning Disabilities Association of America (http://www.ldanatl.org)
International Dyslexia Association (http://www.interdys.org)
You can contact them to see which one has a branch in your community that can give you the referral you need. The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities at http://www.ldonline.org
The National Center for Learning Disabilities at http://www.ncld.org
The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities at http://www.nichcy.org.
You can contact them to see which one has a branch in your community that can give you the referral you need.
Three other resources you might find helpful are: