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Storm Ready Checklist

Is a storm heading your way? Find out what supplies you'll need to ride it out.

Storm Ready Checklist

Your Family Checklist

You might like to print out this list as a guide when you're shopping for storm supplies. The items on this list are pretty basic, and don't necessarily include everything your family will need to ride out a severe storm.

Be prepared, and assume you'll lose all power, lights, heat, telephone, and water service for at least a week. Don't panic -- buy and plan accordingly.

General ItemsFirst-Aid Kit | Non-Perishable Foods | Notes

General Items:

  • Flashlights (one for every member of the family and one or two spares)
  • Extra batteries
  • Electric lantern for area lighting (fluorescent lights will last the longest on a single set of batteries)
  • Sterno and a small grill or cook stove
  • Fire extinguisher(s)
  • Extra medications (prescription and non-prescription)
  • Tarps or large, heavy-gage plastic sheets (to protect the inside of your home from water damage from the windows or the roof)
  • Garbage bags -- lots of them!
  • Plenty of disposable diapers, wipes, and infant supplies (if appropriate)
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Battery-powered radio(s)
  • Candles
  • Wooden kitchen matches or spare lighters (store in plastic container)
  • Duct tape
  • Address book with key phone numbers
  • Toilet tissue, paper towels, and paper plates (in plastic bags)
  • Bleach for cleaning and purifying water (eight drops per gallon)
  • Plenty of bottled water (1-3 gallons per person per day, enough to last at least a week)
  • At least one change of clothes for every person in the household (stored in sealed plastic trash bags)
  • Full tank of gas for every vehicle
  • Enough cash to last a week
  • Put valuable papers, insurance policies, and birth certificates in a secure area in a waterproof container. If worse comes to worse, you'll need these documents to help in the rebuilding process.
General ItemsFirst-Aid Kit | Non-Perishable Foods | Notes

First-Aid Kit

  • Sterile adhesive bandages, gauze, pads, rolls, and first-aid book
  • Scissors
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Aspirin and antacid tablets
  • Snake-bite kit (especially if snakes are common in your area)
  • Tweezers
  • Antiseptic spray and ointments
  • Latex gloves
  • Thermometer
General ItemsFirst-Aid Kit | Non-perishable foods | Notes

Non-Perishable Food items

  • Powdered or evaporated milk
  • Powdered drink mixes and soda
  • Canned foods including fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, soups, puddings, and snacks
  • Instant coffee, tea, and powdered cream
  • Rice and noodles
General ItemsFirst Aid Kit | Non-Perishable Foods | Notes


  • Don't stock up on any food item which must be frozen or refrigerated in order to stay fresh. Assume you'll lose all refrigeration for at least a week.
  • In the hours just before the storm hits, turn your refrigerator and/or freezer to the highest setting and fill any empty space with plastic bottles of water 3/4 full.


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