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The Perfect Hospital Bag Checklist, According to Dad

A dad who has been through the experience of packing a hospital bag three times shares all his secret tips and tricks.

Updated: February 22, 2023
The Perfect Hospital Bag Checklist
Updated: February 22, 2023

If you’re reading this article, you are likely in your second or third trimester and are heading into the final months of your pregnancy. Keep your head up, there’s not long to go now and you are getting closer and closer to meeting your baby!

I’ve been through this process as a dad a few times now, so I’ve developed a pretty solid hospital bag checklist. Make sure the person who will be responsible for helping you pack your hospital bag is involved from the start – it will make all the difference.

Packing for the Hospital Stay  

Presuming you are being driven to the hospital, there is little danger of overpacking, however, I would recommend keeping your items in a single small suitcase or bag and a ‘carry-on’. 

The hospital staff may move your bags around, and it’ll be easier to keep track of them if you don’t arrive with a collection of multiple assorted bags and suitcases. For each of our hospital bags (we packed three over the years), we erred on the side of caution. I’ve never heard a new mother complain that she brought too many unused items to the hospital.

Don’t bring anything valuable – you don’t want to be worrying about the safety of your packed items. The few valuables you do bring should be things that you keep close, such as your cell phone or your wedding band.

Plan for the Unexpected

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Maybe you will have a quick labor and delivery, speedy post-birth checks and be released from the hospital that very same day. Although I hope this happens, you should be aware of the possibility that you may need to stay overnight, if not longer, especially if you end up having an unplanned c-section

If you do end up needing any items you do not pack, it won’t be the end of the world but your partner will have to leave your side to retrieve them or you will need to contact family or friends.

I would always recommend packing for an overnight stay and presuming that the hospital may not provide basic items that are of a standard that will make you comfortable. A great example are pillows. We didn’t pack a pillow for our first child but it was top of our list for our second and third kids. Some hospital pillows are so thin you almost forget they are there and end up having to fold or stack them. Or you might want to bring along your own receiving blanket, rather than using the one that the hospital provides.

Focus on You 

You might want to have a think about what items you would want to have with you that will help make you feel more comfortable and at ease. For example, you may want to compile a music playlist ahead of time. Get any research or preparation out of the way early, and think about what personal items it might be nice to have with you, such as a camera or your comfiest t-shirt.

Hospital Bag Essentials 

Here are my recommended must-haves. Make sure to have some of these already in your car or in a corner of your house, and keep a physical list containing at least these essential items for your partner to check right before you leave the house for the hospital. The hospital may provide you with some of these things, but it’ll make you feel more prepared if you have your own stock to hand.

  • Car seat – without this you are not getting home. Not only do you need to bring one but you actually need to know how to safely secure it in your car, taxi or uber. Practice!
  • Phone charger – unless you are a technophobe, your phone will be your means of communication with your friends and family – and with your partner if they have to leave your side. It also doubles as a camera to take any pictures or videos, if you want any. 
  • Pillow – bring one; your head, neck and back deserve it! Make sure to bring a pillowcase that you are not attached to. 
  • Fan – if you’re having a summer baby, a handheld rechargeable fan that your partner can hold or that can freestand is worth its weight in gold – trust me. 
  • Change of clothes – you will not want to leave the hospital in the same clothes that you came in with. 
  • Regular medication – if you are taking any regular medication ensure that you bring enough for a few days with you, and make sure to check in with your healthcare provider about what medication you should or should not be taking.  
  • Hair clips, hair bands, or hair ties – unless you have short hair, pack these. When you are sweating and pushing and panting the last thing you will want is hair in your face. 
  • Maternity notes and birth plan – although you and your partner will communicate your birth plan and decisions, it is useful for the hospital staff to have these in written form too. 
  • Headphones – we could debate whether these are essential but if ever you need help to mentally escape and focus inwards these will help. Maybe you’ll be on a loud maternity ward and need to block out surrounding noises. Better safe than sorry, pack some!
  • Mask – you may be required to wear a mask when walking around the hospital. 
  • Hand Sanitizer – they’ll have this in the hospital but you’ll want your own. 
  • A diaper bag – the hospital will provide you with diapers, but bring along your personal diaper bag with some newborn diapers inside.
  • Nursing pads – again, the hospital can provide you with these, but bringing along your favorite brand of pads might make you feel more comfortable.
  • A hospital gown or dressing gown – it’s really easy to practice breastfeeding in a hospital gown. 
  • Nipple cream – in case your breasts are sore from feeding.
  • Breast Pump – although you’re unlikely to need this while you’re at the hospital, take advantage of all those midwives around you, and get them to show you their top tips and tricks so you’re a pumping pro by the time you go home.
  • Insurance card – depending on your insurance plan or policy, you may need to have all of your insurance details with you. 

For You 

After you’ve got the essentials ready, you should focus on things that will help you through labor, which can last many hours. After that, it will be time to think about what will help you feel comfortable postpartum and assist with things like breastfeeding.

  • Drinks – as well as water, Gatorade/Lucozade are also good options.
  • Snacks – take your partner stealing some of these into consideration.
  • A drinking straw – this is essential for drinking while you push! 
  • Flip flops – you’ll want these for the hospital shower. 
  • Towel – some hospital towels can feel like sandpaper that barely covers your body. 
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste. 
  • Toiletries (moisturizer, facewash, body wash, soap, shampoo, lotions, conditioner). 
  • Deodorant
  • Lip balm
  • Hairbrush
  • Pajamas
  • Multiple pairs of underwear 
  • Going-home outfit
  • Nursing bra
  • Leggings/sweatpants
  • Nursing pillow

For Your Baby 

The hospital will normally have everything you need for your new baby, but there may be specific things that you want to pack yourself for your little one, such as: 

  • Mittens (so your newborn doesn’t scratch themselves)
  • Blanket(s)
  • Diapers, cotton wool, and baby wipes 
  • Muslins
  • First outfit with hat
  • Spare baby grow(s)

Now you know what you need, it’s time to get packing! 


Alan Mosely

About Alan 

Alan Mosely is the Co-Founder and CTO of… Read more

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