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The City Mini Deluxe double stroller is a fantastic choice if you have twins or babies close in age, like I did! I just love this stroller, especially the side-by-side seating. Now this is not a cheap stroller, but it might be a good investment if you do have two babies. Parents rave about the stroller's famous easy collapse. They're right...I tried it and it's a breeze! Watch for my complete review.


Hi everybody, Melissa here. CloudMom, back at Albee Baby on the upper west side of Manhattan. We're very happy they've let us in here to look at a lot of strollers and in front of me now I have the City Mini Deluxe.

This is an excellent stroller if you're expecting twins or if you have two babies close in age, such as I had. Here we have the 2011 model and it prices out from around the high $300 to $500- not cheap! But if you have two babies you can sort of amortize the cost between them.

Let's take a look at some of the features of this stroller, the Baby Jogger City Mini Deluxe. It weighs 26 lbs. meanwhile it can accommodate babies and toddlers for up to 100 lbs. so you can really get a lot of use out of this stroller. It has the babies sitting side by side which babies love. A lot of people who start with a stroller that's front and back end up graduating to a side-by-side stroller.

However, this stroller can only take one car seat at the beginning so it is not recommended for infants. If you do have infant twins, you're going need to find an initial solution maybe with a car seat carrier to get you through the first couple months until you can graduate your infants into this stroller. And at that point, you can recline these two seats here very, very easily.

I'm going to show you how you can do that. And you can buy extra supports and inserts to make it even more accommodating and cozy for a new baby.

So this is how you collapse those seats. This is easier, ladies, than adjusting your bra. All you have to do is squeeze this little piece here and pull down and these seats collapse into a nearly fully reclining position, this is a super, super thing for babies.

Okay, I'm going to move it back around here and I'm going to adjust it up, all I have to do is squeeze in this little piece here and pull- very, very easy- pulling it right up like that.

Now I'm going to show you how you can collapse this stroller again. It's very; very easy -this is what the City Mini is famous for. If you hold your hands here, like this, and in one single motion you can collapse the stroller like this. That is it. If you want to get, look how flat this is, if you want it even flatter you can remove the wheels.

When it comes time to uncollapse the stroller all you have to do is fling it open and listen for the click. It's very important. So I'm going to do that right now. I go on this side, I hold the handle bars, I fling it open like this, and then I listen for that nice clicking sound make sure you get that sound.

Okay, so what do people say about the City Mini Deluxe? What do they say are the things that they really notice are really important to them. Number one: storage - the City Mini does have some decent storage but it can be a little bit hard to access because you have to go in from the sides or in the back where you have this bar so it's not an easy place to keep your diaper bag.

Meanwhile, the handlebars are not adjustable so if you're married to like Kareem Abdul Jabbar and you need a lot of height, it might be something that you want to think about.

Third thing, the wheels - some people say that the front wheels can be a little bit flimsy. And I have read complaints that some people have got some small stones or pebbles caught in their wheels so that's also something to think about. But the collapsibility of this stroller is absolutely key. It is so, so easy to collapse and get in and out of your car and if you're dealing with two young babies this might be a very, very strong selling point.

One other thing, cup holders - this stroller does not come with a cup holder so if that's important to you, you're going to have to buy that as an add on so that is going to increase the price.

Okay, so those are some of the features and feedback that people have had about this Baby Jogger City Mini Deluxe. But overall, let me just say, and I know I have this issue, but this almost makes me want to have more babies because I've fallen in love with this stroller just as I have with the City Mini Single. I think it's so, so easy so light to maneuver and I think it's a really great option for people who are frequently in and out of the car.

So thanks so much for joining CloudMom from Albee Baby here in Manhattan and we really look forward to seeing you next time.

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