Between carting kids around to soccer practice and piano lessons, to managing work, PTA meetings, and running the household, moms can seem like superheroes. We've come up with the top 10 essentials that every mom-on-the-go should have on hand to make that transformation into Supermom just a little easier.

From wiping little noses to a quick solution for mopping up spilled juice, tissues can be a life saver when you're in a tight spot. Throw a pack in your purse to ensure you're never caught off-guard.
Baby Wipes
Baby wipes aren't just for baby's bottom--they're also perfect for quick clean-ups in the car, wiping off germy shopping cart handles, or for freshening up during a long day. Their many uses make them an essential item to always have on hand.

Hand Sanitizer
When soap and water isn't an option, hand sanitizer is the perfect substitute for cleaning little hands in a pinch. A quick drop can kill most germs, and works great for eating on the go or cleaning up after the playground.

Daily Calendar
Keeping track of your child's busy schedule, not to mention your own, can be a job in itself. A daily calendar where you can jot appointments, practices, and important memos will help keep you sane and organized. Purchase a pocket-sized one to fit in your purse so your schedule is always at your fingertips.

Smartphone Apps
Running errands all day with your kids in tow can be taxing on everyone. Download a few age-appropriate smartphone apps to keep your little ones entertained in the car, at the grocery store, or in waiting rooms.

Portable Snacks and Juice Boxes
If your child turns into a monster when he is hungry, you know the importance of having some snacks always at the ready. Portable foods like fruit and granola bars, juice boxes, and extra sippy cups are just right for when you're on the run and your child is ravenous.

Digital Camera
A picture-perfect moment can crop up at any time, and having a digital camera in your purse will ensure you never miss the opportunity to snap a picture. You'll never regret having too many pictures of your children and the memories that come with them.

Boo-boos and bang-ups are bound to happen, but they're usually nothing a little bandage and a kiss can't fix. Keep a couple packages of different sized bandages in your purse so you can fix-up any scrapes your child manages to get during his day.

Stain Remover Wipes
No matter how careful you try to be, kids always manage to stain their clothes. Keep some stain remover wipes on hand to quickly remove any spills, messes, or marks from your child's clothing.

A Cute Bag for Mom
Just because you have to lug around a bag of mom essentials doesn't mean you can't look good while doing it. Toting a fashionable bag you love will help you feel chic and put together, even when life can feel a little hectic.