Second, in regard to being a consciencious objector and not wanting to give your son this shot, I am not aware of what the law in New York State specifically states. Speak with your child's physician for details. The choice of immunizing children does rest with parents. We, as physicians, don't give shots without your permission. I'm sure you've seen consent forms that have all the information about the purpose of each shot and any anticipated side-effects; we want you to have a clear understanding of the importance of the shot(s). This is still lots of whooping cough around and, in fact, it's on the rise. Whooping cough can be a serious illness, particularly in young children. I always encourage the shot because the benefits far outweigh any of the perceived risks.
Lastly, what are the ramifications if you choose not to inoculate him? You are putting him and others at risk for diseases that are truly preventable. Vaccines have been an extraordinary advancement in medicine and have been able to change the health and well-being of children around the world. So I would encourage you to let him receive the shot(s) to protect him as well as others.