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Using RSS - Technical Overview for Webmasters

Get a technical overview on how to use FamilyEducation's RSS feeds.

Using RSS - Technical Overview for Webmasters

RSS Feed Components

channel -
A short heading for the feed
Uses channel for link target
example: Family Education - Daily Activities for Toddlers
channel -
A descriptive subtitle for the feed
example: Discover a new activity each day to enjoy with your toddler from the Editors at FamilyEducation.
item -
Combines the channel name with a short summary of that day's content
Uses item for link target
example: Aug 9: Car Wash
item -
Has a longer summary of the content
Not all items have descriptions
example: This outdoor activity teaches your toddler how to wash her riding toys, and is great for a hot day.

Available Feeds

Channel SubscriptionExample Content
  • Aug 9: Car Wash
    • This outdoor activity teaches your toddler how to wash her riding toys, and is great for a hot day.
  • Apr 3: Paper Batik
    • Introduce your preschooler to two art media with this mixture of tempera paints and crayons.
  • Feb 10: Secret Messages
    • Instead of handing out traditional valentines, your child can use these inventive ideas to send secret messages!

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