Talking About Terrorism and War with School-Aged Kids
These days it is difficult to shield school-aged children from anything in the news. What they don't see at home, they hear discussed on the playground, or even in current events discussions in school. Because American children today are exposed to so much media violence, it's important to help them understand that wars are real.
Let them know that war is terrifying, complicated and confusing.
Share your thoughts and feelings about the causes of and possible solutions to terrorism. At the same let them know that there is no justification for killing thousands of innocent people.
Discuss your feelings about terrorism, war, and the issues. You can research the history of the conflict together on the Web.
If you plan to donate food, clothing or money to help the victims, involve your children in the process.
Many people commented that the collapse of World Trade Center buildings looked just like a movie. Differentiate between real violence and Hollywood violence. It may be hard for kids exposed to lots of media violence to recognize the difference and have feelings about it.