If your new baby will be of Ethiopian origin, you might be considering an Ethiopian name or an Amharic baby name.
Ethiopia has an amazing history, beginning with the fact that our own species emerged from this geographical location as nomads, before making their way to the Fertile Crescent, where they became farmers.
Ethiopia has a rich cultural and linguistic history. The country has five official languages. Throughout history, pagan, Christian, and Muslim religions have been embraced throughout its long history.
Ethiopian baby names often come from the two most widely-spoken languages in the country: Amharic and Oromo. Hebrew or Arabic names are also commonly used.
Related: 100 Ethiopian Names for Girls (and Amharic Meanings)
The Amharas inhabit the Amhara region of Ethiopia and other highlands close by in the north. The Amharic language is spoken by almost 30% of Ethiopia’s population. This ethnic group is primarily Christian, which explains why we see some Hebrew baby names in Ethiopia as well as many from the Amharic language.
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Oromo is the most widely-spoken language in Ethiopia. The Oromo people live in the South East part of Ethiopia. They are mostly practicing Muslims and some Christians. In addition, a small portion of the Oromo people still practices an ancient Pagan religion called Waaqeffanna, which honors a supreme being as well as many spirits and divinities which influence people’s daily lives.
Ethiopian Naming Traditions

Naming traditions in Ethiopia are quite different than the way babies are named in the U.S. and Europe. Children are given first names, and to form their full names, the first name is followed by the father’s name, in lieu of a surname.
For example, if a boy named Abel’s father’s name is Hakim, he will be called Abel Hakim. If he grows up and has a child called Dawit, the child’s full name would be Dawit Abel.
If the first name and the father’s name are common, the paternal grandfather’s name can follow a total of three names. Using three names is becoming more common. In the case of our example, Dawit could be called Dawit Abel Hakim.
Ethiopians who immigrate generally use their father’s name or their paternal grandfather’s name as a surname on immigration paperwork. This then becomes the family name they use for subsequent generations.
Ethiopian children born in the US are generally given their father’s last name. Women do not generally change their name upon marriage, whether in Ethiopia or in the US.
Popular Ethiopian Boy Names

Here are 100 of the current most popular Ethiopian names for boys along with their meanings:
- Aaron: Hebrew, high mountain
- Abal: Amharic, serves the king
- Abathun: Amharic, father
- Abay: Amharic, big
- Abdi: Oromo, hope
- Abel: Hebrew, breath
- Abera: Ethiopian, light (commonly used as a surname)
- Abraham: Hebrew, father of the multitudes
- Addis: Amharic, new
- Afework: Ethiopian, golden mouth
- Ahmed: Arabic, worthy of great praise
- Ajani: Sanskrit, victor
- Alimayu: Ethiopian, in honor of God
- Amadi: Igbo, freeborn man
- Amare: Arabic, long life
- Amari: Arabic, long life
- Amhara: Abyssinian, agreeable, gracious
- Araara: Oromo, peace
- Baati: Oromo, moon
- Bakkalcha: Oromo, full moon
- Barak: Arabic, white one
- Beekan: Oromo, well-known
- Birraa: Oromo, spring
- Birrissa: Oromo, fast
- Bona: Oromo, summer
- Caala: Oromo, the best
- Chinua: Ethiopian, blessing of God
- Dansa: Oromo, joyful
- Dawit: Amharic, beloved
- Desta: Amharic, joy
- Dhugooms: Oromo, honest

- Ebo: Ethiopian, born on Tuesday
- Eebbisan: Oromo, blessed
- Galaan: Oromo, river
- Genet: Ethiopian, paradise
- Hagos: Tigrinya, joy
- Haile: Amharic, mighty
- Hakim: Arabic, wise
- Horo: Oromo, one who will multiply
- Ibsaa: Oromo, bright
- Jiraa: Oromo, long life
- Kaleb: Hebrew, dog
- Kebede: Amharic, honored
- Kebret: Amharic, wealth
- Kelile: Ethiopian, protector
- Kidus: Amharic, holy
- Kofi: Ethiopian, born on Friday
- Kokeb: Amharic, bright star
- Lencho: Oromo, lion
- Leuel: Ethiopian, Prince Amharic
- Maebel: Amharic, wave
- Makda: Hebrew, high tower
- Mamo: Amharic, little boy
- Melaku: Amharic, angel
- Meleak: Ethiopian, angel
- Menab: Amharic, imagination
- Mesfin: Amharic, monarch
- Milkii: Oromo, successful
- Moges: Ethiopian, majesty
- Mulu: Amharic, complete
- Nahome: Ethiopian, compassionate
- Neberu: Ethiopian, leopard
- Negasi: Ethiopian, he will wear a crown
- Negat: Amharic, dawn
- Negus: Tigrinya, king
- Negusu: Amharic, king
- Nesanet: Amharic, freedom
- Neway: Amharic, wealth
- Nishan: Amharic, medal
- Noab: Amharic, king

- Obsan: Oromo, patience
- Qeero: Oromo, tiger
- Retta: Amharic, triumph
- Robel: Amharic, joy
- Salana: Ethiopian, sunshine
- Salawi: Amharic, third
- Samson: Amharic, bright sun
- Sehay: Amharic, sun
- Sekwar: Amharic, sugar
- Selassie: Ethiopian, trinity (often used as a surname)
- Selam: Amharic, peace
- Semere: Ethiopian, success
- Sitota: Amharic, gift
- Solana: Ethiopian, sunshine
- Tamagn: Amharic, loyal
- Tamru: Ethiopian, miracle
- Tarik: Amharic, history
- Taye: Ethiopian, he has seen
- Tebeb: Ethiopian, wisdom
- Tehut: Amharic, polite
- Tolfamee: Oromo, created by God
- Tsegaye: Ge'ez, my grace
- Urgesa: Amharic, mountain
- Wendem: Amharic, brother
- Werku: Amharic, gold
- Yelekal: Ethiopian, excellence
- Yonas: Arabic, dove
- Zena: Amharic, fame
- Zenawe: Amharic, historian
- Zenebe: Ethiopian, rain
More Baby Boy Name Ideas
For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:
- 70 Muslim Boy Names (and Their Urdu Meanings)
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S.
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S.
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