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Thanksgiving Murals

This activity will help you show your child what "being thankful" really means.

Updated: December 1, 2022
Updated: December 1, 2022

Thanksgiving Murals

Age: Preschool through elementary
Time: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Type of activity: Arts-and-crafts


  • Poster board
  • Old magazines
  • Paper and pen (optional)
  • Markers and crayons
  • Decorative items: buttons, glitter, bits of fabric or felt, sparkles, etc.
  • Glue

This activity will help you show your child what "being thankful" really means.


  1. Talk with your child about the things you're both thankful for. (You may have to explain what "thankful" means to younger children.) Some ideas could include: food, a home, friends, family, teachers or caregivers and school, your neighbors, your faith community, pets, favorite stuffed animals or toys, books and movies, etc. Be sure to include things that your child may not know you are thankful for, such as your education or your health. You can either write these ideas down or just talk about them.
  2. Look through the magazines and cut out pictures of some of the things you're thankful for. You can also draw or write down your thoughts.
  3. At the top of the posterboard write in colorful letters, "We Are Thankful For..." and explain to your child that you're going to fill in the mural with your ideas.
  4. Arrange the pictures on the poster board and glue them on. Add drawings and words where needed.
  5. Decorate your poster board with glitter, fabric, sparkles, etc. Then, hang it up for your friends and family to see!

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