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100 Aramaic Girl Names (with Meanings)

Looking for unique Aramaic girl names? Explore our comprehensive list of beautiful Aramaic names for girls with origins in Aramaic languages.

Updated: June 13, 2023
100 Aramaic Girl Names (with Meanings)
Updated: June 13, 2023

Aramaic girl names are a beautiful choice for children of Aramaean and Jewish descent. 

Considered a close sister to Hebrew, this ancient dialect is known as the language of Jesus. In the Old Testament, the books of Daniel and Ezra were written in this Semitic language. Aramaic is also used in the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds.

The rich history behind Aramaic names makes them an enticing choice for baby boy names and baby girl names. However, what is most interesting is the fact that many of the present-day names that you may already be considering have roots that are tied to the Aramaic language!

Female Aramaic names are a wonderful choice that can help to carry on pieces of this endangered language. 

If you need a little linguistic assistance, we have compiled a list of 100 magnificent modern-day Aramaic baby names as well as elegant ancient titles, all with meanings for parents to peruse!

Related: Old Testament Girls’ Names with Meanings

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Aramaic Names for Girls A to E

  1. Aaliyah - Of Hebrew origins, this name means “exalted."
  2. Abi - A Hebrew and English name that means “father’s joy” or “my father."
  3. Abra - This is a Hebrew and Aramaic name meaning “mother of many nations."
  4. Abulu - Of Nigerian, African, and Aramaic origins, this unisex name means “night watchman."
  5. Anina - An Aramaic name meaning “grace” and “let my prayer be answered."
  6. Arabella - This is a name of Latin origins meaning “yielding to prayer”, English origins meaning “beautiful lion”, and German origins meaning “beautiful eagle."
  7. Aram - A Assyrian and Aramaic name meaning “high place."
  8. Arika - This is an English, Hindu, Arabic, Scandinavian, and Aramaic name that means “beautiful” or “the tall one."
  9. Arzani - Of Persian and Muslim origins, this name means “cedar” in Aramaic.
  10. Awira - An Aramaic, Arabic, and Kurdish gender-neutral title that means “a humble hardworking person."
  11. Baia - A Georgian and Italian name that means “the desired one” in Aramaic.
  12. Babette - Of Hebrew origins, this name means “God’s oath” and “dedicated." It also has Latin origins, meaning “foreign” or “strange."
  13. Bahi - This is an Arabic name meaning “sunshine."
  14. Bethany - This is a Hebrew and Aramaic name meaning “house of mercy."
  15. Chasina - Of Aramaic origins, this name means “strong” or “powerful."
  16. Dala - An Arabic, English, and Aramaic name meaning “beautiful girl."
  17. Delilah - A Hebrew name meaning “delicate."
  18. Diba - Of Persian origin, this title means “a delicate silk fabric."
  19. Diklah - This is a biblical name with Arabic roots that means “date palm."
  20. Dinorah - This is an Aramaic and Slavic name meaning “justified."

Aramaic Names for Girls F to J

  1. Gabri - A Hebrew, Italian, and Aramaic name meaning “amazing beautiful angel."
  2. Geia - This is a unisex title that has Sanskrit and Greek roots. It means “exalted” in Aramaic.
  3. Gethsemane - Of Hebrew and Aramaic origins, this name means “oil press."
  4. Haia - A Japanese, Arabic, and Jewish name meaning “quick”, “light”, or “humble."
  5. Hania - This is another Hebrew and Polish name that means “joy”, “happiness”, “God is merciful”, or “graceful one."
  6. Hanina - A unisex name with Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic origins that means “gracious."
  7. Hannah - This is a Hebrew name meaning “gift of God's favor”, “God is merciful”, and “graceful one."
  8. Hanni - A Korean, Arabic, Jewish, and Vietnamese name that means “cute girl."
  9. Harima - This is a Sanskrit and Arabic name that means “lioness."
  10. Haza - Of Arabic and Aramaic origins, this title means “hare."
  11. Idra - An Aramaic name meaning “fig tree."
  12. Illa - Of Aramaic origins, this name means “superior quality” and “the best."
  13. Issa - This is the Arabic name for Jesus.

Aramaic Names for Girls K to P

  1. Kanda - This is a Japanese name that means “divine rice paddy." However, in Aramaic, it means “pitcher."
  2. Kuza - Of Japanese, Hebrew, and Aramaic origins, this title means “death”, “bold”, or “daring."
  3. Leah - A Hebrew, English, and Irish name meaning “weary."
  4. Magdala - Of Aramaic origin, this name means “tower." In Greek, the name means “high tower."
  5. Marfa - An Aramaic, Slavic, and Arabic name meaning “lady of the house” or “mistress of the house."
  6. Maren - This is a Hebrew name that means “bitter” or “rebellion."
  7. Maria - Of Hebrew origins, this name means “bitter”, “the star of the sea”, or “rebellion."
  8. Mariah - This is a Hebrew name meaning “bitter” and “the star of the sea." It is also an Aramaic name meaning “my lord” or “lord God."
  9. Mariam - An Aramaic and Hebrew name meaning “bitter” or “wished-for child." It was the name of the wife of Herod and the mother of Jesus. It is also spelled Maryam.
  10. Marit - This is an Aramaic and Greek name meaning “pearl”, “lady”, or “mistress of the house."
  11. Marta - An Aramaic name meaning “a lady” “mistress”, “provoking”, or “who becomes bitter” It is also a Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Irish, and Latin name meaning “child of light”, “pearl”, and “jewel."
  12. Martha - This is an Aramaic title meaning “a lady”, “mistress”, or “who becomes."
  13. Mary - Of Hebrew, Irish, French, and Egyptian origins, this biblical name means “bitter."
  14. Mati - This is a unisex title with Scandinavian, African, Egyptian, and Aramaic roots that means “gift from God” or “protected."
  15. Miriam - A Hebrew name meaning “bitter” or “rebellion."
  16. Mubi - This is a Muslim and Arabic name meaning “clear."
  17. Mura - A Japanese and Italian surname meaning “village."
  18. Nabu - Of Arabic and African origins, this unisex name means “smart." It is also an Aramaic title that can be found in Syro-Mesopotamian texts and inscriptions.
  19. Nahara - This is an Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic name meaning “light."
  20. Nahreen - A Muslim, Arabic, Sanskrit, and Aramaic unisex name that means “stream."
  21. Nasra - This is an Arabic and Islamic name that means “victorious” or “winning."
  22. Natasha - Of Greek and Latin origins, this title means “rebirth” or “resurrection” and “birthday” or “child born at Christmas."
  23. Nehira - This is an Aramaic name that means “light” or “bright."
  24. Nineveh - A unisex name with Aramaic and Hebrew origins, this is a place name of an Assyrian city.
  25. Nohra - Of Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic origins, this unique name means “light."
  26. Noor - A Hebrew girl’s name that means “God’s fire” and a Hindi boy’s name that means “light."
  27. Nuha - Of Arabic and Muslim origins, this name means “intelligence” and “wisdom."
  28. Nura - Another name meaning “light”, this title has Arabic origins.
  29. Nuria - Of Aramaic, Arabic, and Portuguese origins, this girl's name means “fire of the Lord” and “light."
  30. Pada - This is a Hindi, Swedish, Chinese, Arabic, and Sanskrit unisex name that means “redeemed” in Aramaic.
  31. Padi - An African name meaning “English flower."

Aramaic Names for Girls Q to Z 

Aramaic Names for Girls
Source: Getty Images
  1. Rachel - This is a Hebrew and Aramaic name meaning “little lamb” or “one with purity."
  2. Rapi - Of Albanian and Arabic origins, this unisex moniker means “healer” in Aramaic.
  3. Raziah - An Aramaic name meaning “the Lord’s secret."
  4. Rebecca - A familiar name from the Hebrew bible, this epithet means “to tie”, “bind”, and “enchantingly beautiful."
  5. Renda - This is an Italian, Arabic, and Aramaic name meaning “child of God” and “good."
  6. Sagi - A Hebrew, Aramaic, and Sanskrit title meaning “great one."
  7. Saha - Of Muslim and Sanskrit origins, this name means “merchant”, “honest”, and “good."
  8. Saka - This is an African, Japanese, Arabic, and Hindu name meaning “someone who makes the impossible possible."
  9. Salani - Of Hindi, English, and African origins, this unisex name means “captivating."
  10. Salome - A name with Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian, and Spanish roots that means “peace” or “welcome."
  11. Sama - Of Arabic, Sanskrit, Egyptian, Persian, and Aramaic origins, this name means “sky."
  12. Samantha - This is an Aramaic name that means “listens well."
  13. Sapphira - An Aramaic and Greek name meaning “blue jewel."
  14. Sarah - Of Hebrew origins, this name means “lady” or “princess."
  15. Sarai - This is a Hebrew name meaning “quarrelsome."
  16. Se - Of Irish and English origins, this title means “strong” in Aramaic.
  17. Sese - This is an African and Arabic name meaning “a gifted woman."
  18. Sima - A name with Kurdish, Islamic, Persian, Aramaic, English, and African roots, this title means “treasure”, “prize”, or “beautiful face."
  19. Sura - Of Arabic and English origins, this title means “wall”, “gift of God”, and “to travel by night."
  20. Susa - This is a Persian, Iranian, and African name meaning “graceful lily."
  21. Tabby - Of Greek, Hebrew, and Native American origins, this title means “gazelle”, “roebuck”, or “tiara."
  22. Tabitha - Another Greek, Hebrew, and Native American name meaning “gazelle”, “roebuck”, or “tiara."
  23. Tadea - Of Aramaic, Spanish, and Russian origins, this name means “fire” or “brave."
  24. Tala - This is an Arabic name meaning “a small palm tree." It is also a Native American name meaning “stalking wolf."
  25. Talita - A name with Hebrew, Aramaic, and Spanish roots meaning “little girl” or “maiden."
  26. Talitha - This is an African American name meaning “inventive” and an Aramaic name meaning “angel who escorts the sun on its daily course."
  27. Teoma - Of Aramaic and Hebrew origins, this unisex title means “twin."
  28. Thada - A Greek name meaning “appreciative."
  29. Thaddea - This is a Latin title. The name means “courageous” or “praiser." It is the feminine version of Thaddeus, which has both Greek and Jewish roots.
  30. Thomasina - Of Greek origins, this name means “twin."
  31. Thomasine - Another Greek title that means “twin."
  32. Tomi - The shortened version of Thomasine, this title has African, Japanese, and Hungarian roots and means “God is enough for me”, “sufficient”, and “rich."
  33. Xiamara - A Spanish and Aramaic name meaning “warrior”, “queen”, or “joyful deer."
  34. Yanai - This is a Japanese, Hebrew, and Aramaic name that means “He will answer."
  35. Zabdi - Of Hebrew and Aramaic origins, this name means “gift from God."
  36. Zabina - A Muslim and Aramaic name that means “queen."

A Brief History of the Aramaic Language

Aramaic is one of the world's earliest languages to be written down and it is one the oldest languages to still be used in the present day. Records show that people were speaking Aramaic as far back as the 11th century BC. 

While it is most closely related to Hebrew, Aramaic also has Arabic, Greek, and African roots. Language experts note that “Persian, Ptolemaic, and Roman rulers of Egypt promoted the use of Aramaic and Greek in Egypt” as well, which is why you can see Aramaic names in their texts. Additionally, documentation shows that there were and still are varying Aramaic dialects in the Middle East (often referred to as the Near East in ancient times) – specifically Jewish communities in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. 

Looking for more inspiration? We have an entire list of Hebrew names  to inspire your baby name ideas! 

100 Aramaic Girl Names (with Meanings)

Sources +

(2019). Aramaic names from Syro-Mesopotamian texts and inscriptions: A comprehensive study [Graduate School, Boston University].

(2023). Names.Org. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from

(2023). DIKLAH. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from

Aramaic-Language Names. (2023, May 2). In Wikipedia.

(2023). Magdalene or magdalen. Retrieved May 4, 2023, from

(n.d.). Ancient Egyptian Language Program. The University of Chicago. Retrieved May 5, 2023, from,in%20Hieroglyphs%2C%20Demotic%20and%20Greek

(2023). Popular Jewish (Hebrew) Girl Names. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from

(2023). Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names. Keys of Enoch. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from

Gethsemane. (2023, April 11). In Wikipedia.

Heidi Butler

About Heidi

Heidi is an experienced journalist who worked in the television news industry for a decade,… Read more

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