Dubbed one the greatest fantasy book series of all time, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is a cult classic that has been referenced in countless movies and television shows. No surprise, that many big Lord of the Rings fans are drawn to Lord of the Rings baby names!
What makes this imaginative series so special is the fact that it not only creates a magical universe, called Middle Earth, that is filled with humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, ents, spirits, and trolls.
Tolkien developed over a dozen languages that are used throughout the series. His two most notable and properly developed vernaculars are the Elven languages of Quenya and Sindarin. Many of the names throughout this book and movie franchise are derived from the languages of Middle Earth.
A few of these Tolkien-inspired names that come from these dialects can be found on the list below.
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Female Lord Of The Rings Names and Meanings
- Aredhel - A Sindarin name meaning “noble elf”. She was also called Ar-Feiniel, the White Lady of the Noldor.
- Arwen - Interestingly, this is an English boy name that means “noble”, “royal”, and “muse”. However, in The Lord of the Rings, it is the name of an elf princess.
- Bronwyn - This is a name with Dutch origins meaning “a fiery spirit distilled from wine” and an American name meaning “sweet nectar”. This is one of the female characters in The Ring of Power television series that is based on The Lord of the Rings movies and books.
- Elanor - A Greek name meaning “mercy”. This is the name of one of the daughters of Samwise Gamgee.
- Eowyn - This is another boy name that means “God's gracious gift” in Hawaiian but is the title of a noblewoman of Rohan in the book and movie series.
- Freda - Of German origins, this name means “peace”.
- Galadriel - A name that means “maiden crowned with a radiant garland" that has both Sindarin and Quenya origins. This is the name of a royal elf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy as well as the name of the main protagonist in The Rings of Power television series.
- Idril - This is a Quenya title that means “sparkling brilliance”.
- Ioreth - In Sindarin, this name means “old woman”. It is the name of a woman of Gondor.
- Lúthien - Of Sindarin origins, this title means “daughter or flowers”.
- Melian - In Sindarin, this name translates to “beloved”. This is the epithet of the Queen of Doriath and the mother of Lúthien.
- Melilot - An Old French and Ancient Greek name meaning “sweet clover”. This is the title of Melilot Brandybuck, one of the hobbits in the shire.
- Míriel - Of Quenya origins, this title means “jewel daughter”. It is the epithet of the first wife of Finwë, the King of the Noldor.
- Morwen - This is a Welsh name meaning “maiden”.
- Nessa - A Quenya name meaning “young” and an Old Norse name meaning “headland”. This name also means “God is gracious” in Irish and “a butterfly” in Greek.
- Nienna - This is a Quenya name meaning “tear” and the title of a Queen of the Valar.
- Rosie - Of Latin origins, this name means “a flower”. Rosie Cotton was one of the hobbits in the shire and the wife of Sam.
- Shelob - This is a Westron name that means “female spider”. Quite the fitting title for the monster spider in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. She is said to have lived in Mordor.
- Tauriel - In Sindarin, this name means "daughter of the forest" or "forest maiden".
- Varda - A Quenya name meaning "sublime", "exalted", or "lofty". It is also a Hebrew name meaning “rose”. This is the title of the Queen of the Valar.
- Yavanna - Another Quenya epithet that means “giver of fruits”.
Looking at some of the lesser-known dialects that are found in these works, Westron is the language of the Dúnedain, a race of men who were blessed with long lives. Khuzdul is the secret language of the dwarves and Noldorin is an ancient Elvish dialect that came before Sindarin.
Male Lord of The Rings Names and Meanings
- Aldor - An Old English name meaning “chief”, “prince", or "elder parent”.
- Aldoron - This epithet is likely derived from the Old Norse name Haldor, which means “Thor’s rock”.
- Angbor - Of Sindarin origins, this title means “iron fist”. It is the title of a man of Gondor and the Lord of Lamedon.
- Aragorn - A name that means “noble valor" in the fictional elf language of Sindarin.
- Arathorn - Of English origins, this name means “royal eagle”.
- Beleg - A Sindarin name meaning “mighty”, “great”, or “large”.
- Beorn - “An Anglo-Saxon poetic word meaning both man and warrior/chieftain”. It also has Old Norse and Scandinavian ties to the name Bjorn, which means “bear”.
- Bereg - This is a Sindarin name that means “fierce lord”.
- Boromir - In the Sindarin and Quenya languages of Middle-earth, this name means “faithful jewel”.
- Bregalad - A Sindarin name meaning “quick, lively tree”. This is one of the Ents who guarded the Rowan trees.
- Brego - Of Old English origins, this title translates to “chief”, “leader”, “king”, and “lord". This is the name of one of the horses of Rohan.
- Celeborn - A title that stems from two Sindarin names: "celeb," which means "silver", as well as a variation of the name "orna," which means "tall."
- Curufin - This is a Sindarin name that means “skilled son of Finwë”.
- Dain - Of Norse origins, this name means “from Denmark”. However, in The Lord of the Rings, this title translates to “deadline”.
- Déagol - A Westron name that means “secret” or “hidden”.
- Denethor - Of Nandorin origin (another fictional elf language), this name means “lithe and lank”.
- Elendil - A Quenya name meaning "elf-friend".
- Elessar - This is another Quneya name that means “elf stone”.
- Elrond - Meaning “star dome”, this is another name with origins tied to the fictional language of Sindarin.
- Eomer - An Old English name meaning “horse famous”. This title comes from both The Lord of the Rings and Beowulf.
- Eomund - This is an Old English phrase that means “war horse” and “protector”.
- Eothain - Another Old English name that means “war horse” and “warrior” or “chieftain”.
- Everard - Of German origins, this name means “strong boar”. Everard Proudfoot was another hobbit in the series.
- Faramir - This is another fictional name that means “sufficient jewel”.
- Fastred - An Old English name meaning "fast-rede” and “firm-counsel".
- Filibert - This is an Elvish name meaning “Fulbright”. It is the name of one of the hobbits in the Shire.
- Finarfin - In Quenya, this title means “noble”.
- Finglas - The official name of Leaflock, this title means “lock of hair" and "leaf" in Sindarin.
- Finrod - Of Sindarin origins, this epithet means “mighty descendant of Finwë”.
- Finwë - A Sindarin name that likely means “hair”. It is “one of the oldest recorded names of the Eldar”.
- Gamling - This title comes from the Old English word gamol, which means “old”.
- Gandalf - An Old Norse name that translates to “wand elf”. This is the name of the famed wizard who leads the fellowship of the ring.
- Gimli - The name of this dwarf warrior is derived from an Old Norse name meaning “fire”. He is the only dwarf member of the fellowship. Interestingly, the actor who plays this character also plays the voice of Treebeard, one of the tree-herding Ents.
- Gollum - It is theorized that this title came from an Old Norse word meaning “gold”. He is the famous Stoor hobbit of the Riverfolk who was corrupted by the one ring.
- Grima - This is both an Old English and Icelandic name meaning "mask”, “visor”, “helmet", "specter”, or “larva". It Is also theorized that this name stems from the English word grim, which means “ugly”. All of these terms are fitting for antagonist Grima Wormtongue.
- Grimbold - This is an Old English name meaning “fierce” or “bold”. It is the name of one of the riders of Rohan.
- Haldir - This is another title that is theorized to also have Old Norse origins, derived from the name Haldor, which means “Thor’s rock”.
- Hama - An Old English name meaning “home”, “house”, or “dwelling”. This is the name of a man of Rohan.
- Horn - This name has English, Scottish, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, and Jewish origins, and it means “horn”. This is the name of another man of Rohan.
- Incánus - In Latin this name means “grey-haired”. With that being said, it should come as no surprise that this is one of the many titles that Gandalf went by in the series.
- Isildur - Another fictional name of Quenya origins that means “servant of the moon”.
- Iorlas - This is a Sindarin name meaning “old leaf” or “old joy”.
- John - A Hebrew name meaning “God’s grace”. This is the first name of the author of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
- Legolas - This is another name with Sindarin origins that means "green leaves".
- Lothlórien - A place name, this title means "Lórien of the Blossom", and is a combination of Sindarin and Quenya terms.
- Maedhros - A Sindarin title meaning ‘shapely” and “red-haired”.
- Mandos - Of Quenya origins, this title means “castle of custody”. This is the name of one of the Doomsman of the Valar.
- Mardil - A Quenya name that translates to "devoted to the house". This is the title of the first steward of Gondor.
- Mithrandir - One of the many names of Gandalf, this is his Sindarin title that means “grey wanderer” or “grey pilgrim”.
- Morgoth - This is a Sindarin name that means “dark enemy” or “black foe”. This is one of the god-like characters from Tolkien's Legendarium.
- Olórin - Meaning “dream”, “vision”, and “of mind” in Quenya, this is another one of the many names of Gandalf.
- Ronald - Of the the two ‘R’ initials of the famous J.R.R. Tolkien. This name has Old Norse origins meaning “mighty”.
- Reuel - A Hebrew name meaning “friend of God”. This is the second ‘R’ initial of the author of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
- Saruman - An Old English name meaning “man of skill” or “cunning”.
- Sauron - This is another fictional name of Quenya origin that means “abhorred".
- Sharku - An Arabic name that means “appreciation” and an Orkish name meaning “old man”.
- Smeagol - This was the original name of Gollum before he became corrupted by the one ring. Ironically, it is said that this title stems from the Westron name Trahald, which means “burrowing” or “worming in”.
- Tharkûn - In Khuzdul, this name means “grey man” or “staff man”. Another fitting title for Gandalf The Grey that was given to him by the dwarves.
- Théoden - Of English origins, this name means “ruler” or “king”. This is extremely fitting since this is the title of the King of Rohan in The Lord of the Rings. King Théoden is one of the more recognizable figures in the second and third movies of the series.
- Thengel - An Old English name meaning “lord”.
- Theodred - This is a title that has Anglo-Saxon origins. It is derived from the words þēod, which means "folk", "people", and "nation" and rǣd, which means "counsel".
- Thingol - Another Sindarin name meaning “grey cloak”.
- Thranduil - While the real origin and translation of this name is unknown, in Sindarin, one of the fantasy languages in The Lord of the Rings, this title means “vigorous spring”.
- Tuor - This is a Noldorin name that means “strength” or “vigor”.
- Turgon - A Sindarin name meaning "ruling lord" or "victory prince”. This is the name of an Elvin King of Noldor.
- Willow - While stereotypically a girl’s name, this title gives a nod to Old Man Willow. This name fittingly means “freedom”, “tree”, and “willow” in English.
Baby Names Inspired by The Hobbit
Throughout The Hobbit series, most of the names have Old English and Old Norse origins. Scottish, German, and Scandinavian titles are also sprinkled into the texts. This is what makes a Lord of the Rings baby name so perfect!
- Adelbert - Of German origins, this epithet means “noble”, “bright”, or “famous”. This is the name of one of the male hobbits in the Shire.
- Alfrid - This is an Old English name meaning “wise counsel”.
- Angelica - This is a Greek name for “heavenly messenger”. Angelica Baggins is a hobbit in the Shire.
- Anson - An English name meaning “son of a nobleman”.
- Bain - Of Irish origins, this name means “lives near the pale bridge, bridge over white water”
- Balin - This is likely derived from an Old Norse name meaning “burning one”. It is also a Hindu name meaning “mighty warrior”.
- Bard - A Scottish name meaning “poet”, “minstrel”, and “singer”.
- Berylla - Of Hebrew origins, this girl’s name means “jewel”. Berylla Baggins is the wife of Balbo Baggins, the patriarch of the Baggins family.
- Bifur - An Old Frisian name meaning "beaver" or "hard worker".
- Bilbo - An Irish and English name with unknown meaning. Bilbo Baggins is the main protagonist in The Hobbit and one of the characters in The Lord of the Rings.
- Bill - Of English origins, this name means “sword”. It is the epithet of Samwise Gamgee’s pony.
- Bolg - This name means “strong” and comes from the lesser-known language of Mágol, another dialect created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
- Bombur - This is another dwarf name that means “the swollen one”. It likely has Icelandic origins.
- Bowman - An English and Scottish name for “an archer”. Bard the Bowman is a man of Laketown in The Hobbit.
- Bruno - Of German origins, this title means “Brown’s son”.
- Carl - An Old German name meaning “free man”. This is the name of one of the hobbits in the Shire.
- Celandine - Of Greek origins, this girl’s name means “swallow” (referring to the bird). This is one of Merry’s cousins in the Shire.
- Diamond - An English name meaning “brilliant”. This is Peregrin’s wife.
- Dori - This is a girl’s name that has Greek origins and means “gift” and “of the sea”. However, in The Hobbit, it is the name of a male dwarf.
- Dwalin - An American name meaning “science fiction”. This is one of the dwarves who traveled with Gandalf and Bilbo.
- Estella - Of Latin origins, this name means “star”. It is the name of one of the hobbits in the Shire.
- Erling - A Scandinavian and Old Norse name that means “descendant of a nobleman” or “descendant of the chief”.
- Ferdinand - This is a German title meaning “courageous traveler”.
- Fili - Of Old German origins, this title means “file” or “filer”. It is another dwarf name.
- Frodo - This name has both German and Old English origins and it means “wisdom” or “wise”. Frodo Baggins is a hobbit and one of the main protagonists in this famous trilogy. He is the main hobbit in the Fellowship of the Ring.
- Gerda - A Greek name meaning “farmer” and a German name meaning “adored warrior”. This was the title of a Dwarven princess in The Hobbit.
- Gilly - This is a Latin name meaning “youthful”. While it is the name of a female hobbit in the series, this is a unisex moniker that means “bright desire” in German when used for a boy.
- Gloin - Of Old Norse origins, this name means “glowing one”.
- Hamfast - An Old English name meaning “stay at home”. This was the epithet of Samwise Gamgee’s father.
- Hanna - This is a Hebrew girl’s name meaning “God is merciful” and “graceful one”.
- Hilda - Of German origins, this female title means “warrior”.
- Kili - A name of German origin that means “wedge”.
- Lindir - This is a Sindarin name that means “song man”. He was one of the elves of Rivendell.
- Malva - A name that means “armored chief” in Scottish, “slender” in Greek, and “Mallow flower” in Latin. This is the title of the first female hobbits recorded in hobbit history.
- Merry - Officially Meriadoc, Merry is a unisex name of Old Welsh origins that means “protector of the sea”. He is one of the four hobbits in the fellowship.
- Milo - Another hobbit name, this title has German origins meaning “soft-hearted” and “merciful” as well as Latin origins meaning “soldier”.
- Mirabella - This is a Latin name meaning “wonderful” and “beautiful to look upon”. It was the name of Frodo’s maternal grandmother.
- Nori - A Japanese girl's name that means “doctrine”. However, in The Hobbit, this is male moniker. Nori is the brother of Ori and Dori.
- Óin - This is another dwarf name that means “shy”. It likely has Icelandic origins.
- Ori - Of Latin origins, this name means “the orient” or “east”. This is one of the three dwarf brothers — Ori, Nori, and Dori.
- Pearl - A Latin name meaning “pearl” or “jewel”. This is the sister of Peregrin.
- Peregrin - This is a Latin title that means “falcon”. In the movie, this hobbit goes by Pippin for short. He is another one of the hobbits in the fellowship.
- Prisca - A Latin name that means “from ancient times”. This was another female hobbit.
- Rorimac - Of Westron origins, this title likely means “son of the red king". It is another male hobbit in the Shire.
- Rowan - This is an Old English name that means “tree with red berries”.
- Ruby - A French girl’s name that means “red gem”. This is another hobbit in the Shire.
- Sam - Of Hebrew origins, this epithet means “to hear”, “like the sun”, or “heard God”. Samwise Gamgee is another one of the hobbits in the fellowship and one of the main supporting characters in the series.
- Sapphira - This is a Greek name that means “blue jewel”. It is a pretty name for a little lady hobbit!
- Smaug - Of Old English origins, this name likely comes from the word smeag, which means “worm”. This is the name of the treasure-hoarding dragon in The Hobbit.
- Thorin - A Scandinavian name meaning “god of thunder” and a Norse name meaning “thunder”.
- Thrain - This is the English form of the name “Þráinn”, which means “stubborn”.
Middle-Earth Inspired Names
- Anduin - The name of the largest river found in Middle Earth. This name means “great river” or “long river” in Sindarin.
- Beren - This name means “brave” in Sindarin. This is the name of the mortal man in one J. R. R. Tolkien’s earliest tales of Middle-earth, of Lúthien and Beren. This became an essential part of The Silmarillion.
- Círdan - A Sindarin name meaning “shipwright” or “shipbuilder”.
- Húrin - This is a Sindarin name meaning “the steadfast” or “the strong”. He is said to be one of the greatest warriors of men in all of Middle-Earth.
- Meneldor - A Sindarin name that likely means “king of the heavens”. It was the epithet of the great eagle of the Northern mountains.
- Minas - Another Sindarin name that means “tower”. This is a place name that refers to the twin cities of Minas Morgul and Minas Ithil which are situated in the southern region of Middle Earth.
- Moria - This is another place in Middle Earth. The name has Sindarian elements that translate to “black” or “dark” and “abyss”. However, this is also a French name meaning “dark” or “dark-haired”, an Irish name meaning “bitter”, and a Hebrew name meaning “my teacher is God”.
- Narya - Meaning “fire” in Quenya, this is the name of one of the rings of power, specifically the red ring.
- Nenya - This is another one of the rings of power, and it fittingly means “water” in Quenya. You guessed it, it is the water ring.
- Radagast - The name of one of the wizards of Middle-Earth, this is a Sindarin name meaning “tender of breasts”.
- Rivendell - This is the common name for Imladris, a major city in Middle Earth. It has Sindarin origins meaning “deep dale of the cleft”.
- Rohan - This is the name of a human realm in Middle Earth. It means “sandalwood” in Hindi and “red-haired one” in Irish. However, in Sindarin, this name means “horse country”.
- Vilya - This is the third and final ring of power. In Quenya, it means “air” or “sky”. Unsurprisingly, this is the ring of air.
Now that’s what I’m Tolkien about!
Of course there are many more, but these are the main Lord of the Rings character names and meanings from the series!
However, if you still need more inspiration, consider taking a quest to another page on our site and checking out our list of 100 Dragon Names (Including Ice & Fire, Fictional & Famous). You might find the one perfect baby name to rule them all!