by: Lindsay Hutton
Bed rest during pregnancy is no walk in the park. While it's a necessity for many women in order to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, it can be frustrating to be confined to bed and relying on others. Use these tips to help make your bed rest productive, entertaining, and a little less boring.

Do Your Research
Just because you can't be up and about doesn't mean you can't prepare for when your little one arrives. There are lots of decisions to make when you're expecting, so take advantage of the downtime to do some thinking.
Start doing your research to find a doctor for your baby and childcare options, if needed. While you're at it, learn about possible delivery scenarios and create your birth plan.

Stock Up
Start stocking up on everything you might need for at least the first three months. Registering or even ordering diapers and other essential baby products online allows you to read reviews of other parents, and you'll be happy to have everything you need when the chaos of having a newborn begins.

Pamper Yourself
It's amazing what a new haircut and freshly painted nails can do for your self-esteem. Make an appointment with your stylist for an in-home cut and color, and find a manicurist that makes home visits too. You'll love feeling pampered in your own home.

Get an Online Movie Subscription
The beauty of modern technology means you no longer have to physically rent a DVD to watch all the latest flicks. Get an online movie subscription and catch up on all the films or TV series you've been meaning to watch. For starters, try this list of the best movies about pregnancy and babies!

Have a Lunch Buddy
Ask a few close friends to come have lunch with you once or twice a week. It's a nice chance to catch up before your life becomes too hectic. Check out these pregnancy superfoods to get some ideas for tasty meals!

Hunt for Baby Names
If you haven't already settled on a name, now is the perfect time to start narrowing down your options. Research name meanings, compile a list of family names you might want to use, and keep a list of all the potential monikers you'd like to share with your partner.

Compile a List of Favorite Kids' Books
From childhood faves to newer must-haves, start compiling a list of books you'd like to see in your child's library. Once you're done, get to work adding them to your baby shower registry or start shopping online.

Face it — you won't have much time to enjoy a good book once your little bundle arrives. Start reading! Ask friends for recommendations, or get started on any books you have on your own list.

Do Puzzles
How long has it been since you've done a puzzle? Crosswords, Sudoku, and regular old jigsaw puzzles are all great ways to pass the time and stimulate your mind.

Write Baby Shower Thank You Notes
If you've already had your shower, start writing your thank you notes. It's a great way to remember all the love and support you've received, and thinking about all the cute clothes and toys from your registry is bound to get you excited. If you haven't had one yet, you can at least address and stamp envelopes for those on the guest list.

Get Crafty
Tap into your artistic side, and take up knitting, painting, or any other craft you've wanted to try. Create a baby book or scrapbook, start a journal about your pregnancy (and bed rest), make a family tree — projects that take more than a day or two will give you a sense of purpose when you wake up in the morning.

Sleep is probably the most obvious thing to do while on bed rest. Don't feel guilty about taking lots of naps. Sleep will be a thing of the past when your baby arrives, so make sure to get as much shut-eye as possible now!