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The Second Stage of Labor: Delivering Your Baby

In the second stage of labor, the cervix is fully dilated at 10 cm and your baby is far down in the pelvis, ready for birth. Learn about when to actively push, body positions, descent, and crowning.
What to Expect in the Second Stage of Labor

In this article, you will find:

Monitoring and mechanisms

In the second stage, the baby's heartbeat and your contractions are monitored. If the second stage is becoming prolonged, with the possibility of you becoming tired from pushing, an assisted delivery may be suggested with forceps or vacuum.

The Mechanisms of Labor

The birth passage, far from being straight, involves a series of rotational maneuvers known as the "mechanisms of labor."

This curve, known as the "curve of Carus," is thought to result from the evolution of humans from being on all fours to being upright. This caused the spine to curve, the pelvis to tilt, and gave a curve to the birth canal. Your pelvic floor muscles help the head rotate through the birth canal.

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