by: Erin Dower
Looking for baby shower game ideas? Check out these printables for everything from Baby Shower Bingo to Name That (Baby!) Tune, and more!

Baby Shower Guessing Game
For this easy baby shower guessing game, cut out these printable game slips and ask shower guests to fill in their guesses about the baby's birthday, weight, and more! After the baby arrives, send a small prize to the best guesser, or just collect all the guesses for the mom-to-be's scrapbook!

Name That (Baby) Tune! Shower Game
For this musical game, create a playlist of songs that have the word "baby" in the title (hint: use a mix of older and newer songs so that all players have a fair chance). Print this game sheet for each guest to guess the song title and artist while you play a snippet of the song. Give one point for each correct title and two points for each correct artist. The player with the most points wins!

Finish the Nursery Rhyme Baby Shower Game
This crowd-pleasing baby shower game helps guests brush up on their nursery rhyme lyrics. Simply print out the game sheets and ask guests to fill in the blanks to complete the rhyme.

Baby Shower Bingo Game
This classic game gives guests something to do while the mom-to-be opens her gifts. Print these baby shower bingo cards for guests to use to mark off popular baby shower gifts as the mom opens them.

Pin the Baby on the Belly Shower Game
Here's a fun twist on Pin the Tail on the Donkey — baby shower style! All you need to play the game is this printable — which includes the pregnant belly template and a baby for each guest — and some tape and blindfolds.

Baby Shower Registry Checklist
This isn't a game, but is a handy printable for the mom-to-be. This basic registry checklist lists all the gear she'll need for her bundle of joy!