1. To me, home is...
2. When I see a pile of dishes in the sink, I...
3. Most of my friends are...
4. In a work setting, I like to...
5. As a worker, I'd describe myself as...
6. When it comes to job performance feedback, I need...
7. As a communicator, I prefer...
1. To me, home is...
A home base, but I'd climb the walls if I were home all day long.
2. When I see a pile of dishes in the sink, I...
Feel incredibly guilty.
3. Most of my friends are...
Mostly friends from work.
4. In a work setting, I like to...
Have colleagues visit my work station for long talks.
5. As a worker, I'd describe myself as...
Motivated, but in need of a nudge now and then.
6. When it comes to job performance feedback, I need...
Lots of feedback and critical support.
7. As a communicator, I prefer...
Face-to-face contact. Nothing beats up close and personal.
Based on your work style, you're a strong candidate for work-from-home opportunities.
You may face extra challenges and perhaps feel socially isolated while working at home, but it still may be the answer for you.
Don't give up your day job too quickly! You'd probably go crazy being "home alone."