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College Location Pros and Cons

This article charts the pros and cons of urban, rural, and "college town" locations.

College Location Pros and Cons

Urban College
Pros Cons
Lots going on Noisy
Diverse population Crowded
Many places to hang out Expensive
Tons of cultural activities Distracting
Ability to have a life outside of school Can be lonely
Rural College
Pros Cons
Peaceful Sometimes lonely and isolated
Lots of nature Boring
Lots of space Not much to do
Not as expensive socially Dependence on social life at school
Few distractions  
Intimate, small-town feel  
"College Town" College
Pros Cons
Caters to students Not enough "regular" people
Many cool places to hang out Can be rowdy
Freindly atmosphere Tons of distractions
Heavily populated by students Not a "real world" environment

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