There are many correspondence and independent study programs that will help your daughter obtain an accredited diploma. I suggest you do some research and visit each school's site and see what program is most agreeable to you and your daughter. The Clonlara School is a good choice, and I know several teens who are very pleased with Clonlara's program. The American School is good for families who want a "school at home" type of program, based more on traditional course requirements. Cafi Cohen is a homeschooling mom and author of Homeschooling the Teen Years. I think you'll find this book an indispensable guide as you begin your new adventure. Be sure to read Homeschooling Teens and Leaving School and Learning at Home for more helpful suggestions. Best wishes to you and your daughter.
There are many correspondence and independent study programs that will help your daughter obtain an accredited diploma.
Currently, almost two million kids are homeschooled in this country. Teens make up one of the fastest growing segments of the homeschool population. Their success has become a bit of a phenomenon as college admissions officers as well as potential employers (I've read several articles in trade journals) recognize that homeschooled teens generally are more mature, and are usually highly motivated, independent learners.