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Introduction to the SAT Reading Test

Learn basic principles and tips behind the reading section of the SAT.

In this article, you will find:

Page 7

Answers to the Defining Medium Words Drill
I chose the medium words of this drill as examples of ones that students typically get overconfident about being able to define. Don't get discouraged if you tripped up on some of these, the point of the drill was to make you more cautious.

1. plastic Capable of being shaped or formed; easily molded or influenced; malleable
2. discriminating Showing careful judgment; perceptive; astute
3. parochial Having a limited outlook; narrow-minded; provincial
4. formidable Arousing fear, dread, awe, or wonder; threatening; intimidating

Answers to the Second Definition Drill

Easy Word Hard Second Definition

1. conviction D. certainty
2. buoyant H. cheerful
3. slight E. insult
4. complex J. network
5. composed A. calm
6. eclipse L. surpass
7. parallel G. equivalent
8. diversion I. entertainment
9. detached K. uninvolved
10. gravity C. seriousness
11. appropriate F. seize
12. compromise B. endanger

Answers to the Positive or Negative Drill
As I mentioned, the words in this drill are all very difficult. Even without knowing the precise definition of these words, however, you probably got most of these right.

1. amity (+) 2. vogue (+) 3. foible (—)
4. placate (+) 5. virulent (—) 6. revere (+)
7. plaintive (—) 8. equanimity (+) 9. disparage (—)
10. virtuoso (+) 11. acerbic (—) 12. salutary (+)
If you missed more than two or three of these, you should work on developing your sense of words more before you look them up. Whenever you encounter a new word, try to decide whether it's positive or negative without relying on the context; you won't have context to help you on the answer choices.

Answers to the Judging Difficulty Drill
The following assessment of difficulty is based on the percentage of high school students who know the words in the list, ranked from 1 (easy) to 3 (medium) to 5 (difficult).

Sometimes it's a judgement call whether a word is an easy or an easy-medium, say, or a medium versus a medium-hard. So long as you're within plus or minus 1 of the rankings below, you're fine. If you're off consistently, determine whether you tended to overestimate or underestimate the rankings. If your vocabulary is strong, for example, you may tend to underestimate the difficulty of words; if your vocabulary is on the weak side, you may tend to overestimate the difficulty of words.

1. voluntary (2) 10. subtle (4)
2. expenditures (3) 11. fertile (2)
3. munificent (5) 12. formal (1)
4. confide (3) 13. validity (2)
5. adequate (1) 14. serene (3)
6. innate (4) 15. capricious (5)
7. repel (2) 16. articulate (3)
8. somber (3) 17. viable (5)
9. proclivity (5) 18. apathy (3)

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